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*NO* Pokémon Diamond Version 'Such Snowy Surroundings'


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Contact Information

Your ReMixer name: Dasgust

Your real name: Roope Lindström

Your email address:

Your website: http://www.youtube.com/Dasgust

Your userid: 43384

Submission Information

Name of game arranged: Pokémon Diamond

Name of arrangement: 'Such Snowy Surroundings'

Name of individual song arranged: Jubilife City (Day)

Link to the original soundtrack:

Own comments: Anything + sleigh bells = Christmas


Edited by Liontamer
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Initial thoughts on this... very cool sounds and mixing, it sounded like a DP at first, yet the writing and instrumentation ends up sounding repetitive. Will vote on this soon.

edit 10/10/14: The production on this track is quite good, I especially love the stop/starts in the beat, great way to add anticipation and excitement. But yeah, same motif over and over and you've lost my attention. Add some variation in melody writing and/or instrumentation, a new lead instrument, more sfx, throw in some other kind of twist like a proper breakdown or even a simple keychange would add interest. I'd love a better ending too. I do hope to hear this one again!

NO (resubmit please)

Edited by Chimpazilla
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Man, this was cool to start, but too underdeveloped. The filtering, original writing additions from 1:43-1:58 and percussion tweaks were all good things that took this in the right direction, but it's not enough yet.

At 1:58, I was definitely wondering when meaningfully more or different ideas would get introduced into the picture. By 2:30, it was definitely too repetitive. There was a little more intensity with the beats, but you need to provide some more substantial development or variations, whether that's dynamics or instrumental changes.

Right now, the dynamic curve is too flat after you peak at :44 after the initial build-up. 2:30's peak is exactly the same as :44's, except with the bubbly pattern added in.

Develop this further, however you want to go about it, and it would have a chance at passing. The treatment of the theme is creative, Roope, but this is just too static and repetitive at the moment.

NO (resubmit)

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