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*NO* One Must Fall 2097 'Heart of Stone'


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One Must Fall 2097 - 03 "Main Menu"

Simple but cool pad-based intro to open things up. Some beats came in at :41 while the source melody was referenced.

Source melody came in at :56 pretty conservatively, going so far as to use the same synth lead as the original at 1:09. Mixed feelings about that, but we'll see where the rest of the track goes.

The supporting material initially wasn't filling up the space well; some hard beats to anchor the track would have helped. 1:26 somewhat fixed that with thicker drums being brought in, but the beats and tambourine were too timekeeping, repetitive, and uncreative. I don't think they ever changed up once they were introduced. You could click at any point after 1:26 and the track basically sounded the same as a result.

2:36 starts arranging the source material with some really interpretive stuff only to bring in the verbatim source progression on top at 2:51. Still not liking the melodic material being so close to the original at times. There's some interpretation via new sounds and rhythms being built around the melody, but I felt the verbatim parts of the melody being used so many times for long periods of time were a hinderance.

I'd like to see the melody reworked so that half of it doesn't sound like it was taken wholesale from the original's sound. The other half sounds like a simple instrument swap. All the arrangement goodness here seems to be found outside of the lead instrumentation. Also, the percussion patterns need variation and the tone should gel better with the other sounds. You have a good base so far; work on things further.

NO (rework/resubmit)

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I swear the synth used for the melody here is exactly the same as the synth used in the source. Now whilst that would not count against a submission normally, when the melody is near enough the same as well, it does. In addition, the drums are anything but high energy level and are quite repetitive. That coupled with the very small amount of re-arrangement means that this is a


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I think Larry covered all the bases. No aspect of this is really bad, in my opinion. Production-wise, the sounds are kinda simplistic, and I think there's a bit too much low/low-mid sound, but they're definitely passable. The main problem is that there's not a lot of variation in the soundscape or the rhythms. It's very much like a background track - nothing tries to capture the listener's attention, and because the synths all sound somewhat similar, even the melody is a bit lost. Of course the main thing is that this is not quite interpretive enough compared to the original. The overall structure, the sounds, and the arrangement are all a bit too close for comfort.

I'd like to see more work done on this, please resubmit.


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