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*NO* Super Mario Land 'Walking on Water'


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Email sub file Super Mario Land Walking on Water OC ReMix.mp3

This is a remix of Muda Kingdom from Super Mario Land on the GameBoy. I haven't worked on this one for almost a year. I deleted the wrong version of its project file when I was cleaning house a while back, so I haven't been able to make any changes to the mix. All I was able to do was remaster my last work-in-progress mp3. I'm almost done with a complete reworking of my Raindance in the Ruins, but I haven't gotten around to completing it. I thought I'd try and get back into the swing of things by finishing this one up.

I don't think this one will have any trouble with the re-arrangement standards. I was just seeing how the song would mesh with one of my own originals, and it worked out very nicely. Normally though, I wouldn't be this liberal with the arrangement.

My title and the sound fx circa 3:00 all allude to the level in which the music plays. (Anyone remember that shortcut where you walk on water for several steps?) Enjoy.

-Patrick Burns

(remixer name: Patrick Burns)

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http://www.zophar.net/gbs/sml1.zip - Track 3

The scream SFX at :49 was a decent idea, but felt a little out of place. I liked the echo effect though. You kind of learn to put up with it after a while; probably just personal taste.

Too bad those beats brought in at :49 were so flimsy, because everything else seemed pretty solid. Fairly straightforward but good bassline writing which probably should have been boosted up during the fuller parts so it wasn't lost in the shuffle.

Synth guitar at 1:22 was a bit grating, but was working surprisingly well. Dunno how Vig would feel about it. They weren't OMG, but I was still surprised that it was sequenced this strongly.

Nice delay effects were in place throughout the song to help fill things out; production was fairly sharp. The arrangement and sounds possess a lot of the charm of OCR's older material.

I wish the synth guitar had some support or something so it didn't feel like it was practically on its own in the soundfield. Good ideas at from 2:29-3:00 on that level with some belltone-type stuff and pads to flesh out the soundfield more.

Arrangement was pretty good, but the flimsy beats didn't quite fit and made the track seem like it was missing some meat. Too bad, for example, that there weren't any lyrics/vocals in here. The beat pattern was cool, especially the off-beats, but the variation on them was ultimately lacking and made things drag a little.

No problems with a borderline pass from the panel here, but I need beats that vary and sound a little less simplistic/straightforward, plus some more support for the electric guitar synth so that it doesn't practically feel like it's the only thing in play from 1:22-2:27. The source files are kaput? Damn. :'-( We need another SML mix. If you can do anything to obtain a backup or whatnot, work on this further. Good luck with the rest of the vote, Pat.

NO (refine/resubmit)

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Not bad, I like the stereo snare and the level of bass too. The only issue I have with this mix is that the texture seems quite thin indeed for an instrumental, and the high octave mallet instrument (vibes?) don't do much to fill it out since they are so high frequency. The section at 1.39 has an alright texture due to the guitars and pads filling it out, but earlier sections do sound empty.

NO (please resub)

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heh...the siren is from episode 5, no? Or is it Alien?

I have no problem with the synth guitar. Sounds pretty good to me.

The biggest problem is that a lot of what's here is generic filler. The Bass and drums seem to force a groove on a track which otherwise doesnt warrant one. I dont really like the bells...too cutesy. i realize that's subjective. I guess the problem is that the groove seems really tacked-on.

There's plenty in this track that is done well. A lot of the sequencing is pretty good, the guitar works, the instrumentation is good except the bells. The section at 3:20 is pretty solid. I'd like to hear what others have to say about his, so i'll say

NO, but I wont lock it.

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My first impression is in line with what Darke said. At first, a lot of this seems to be more like backing texture and filler. Lots of pads, unintrusive percussion, 'light' instruments.. the synth guitar is a standout, of course, but it's maybe too much of a standout compared to everything else that's so laid back. I think in general that the ReMixer needs to nail down the concept of the mix more. Is this supposed to be a grove-oriented chillout thing? If so, beef up the drums and bring some more stuff to the front. Is it supposed to be more ambient and relaxed, like spacepony's SMW mix? Then ditch the harsh guitar and change the percussion to something else.

So, let me lay out what I think the primary issues are.

First would be the structure of the song. It's a little hard for me to detect the source tune until later on, as if most of the first part of the song is just a long introduction. The arrangement overall is creative and interpretive, so just fine-tune the structure and you'll be good here.

Second, and probably more importantly, really try and figure out what you're going for and adapt the instrumentation + production accordingly. I think if you do this the other things will fall into place.


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