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*NO* Final Fantasy 4 'Sunday Morning with Cecil'


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Artist: Ben Shroomin

email: ben@walkingeye.com

website: www.betweenplanets.com

Game: Final Fantasy IV

Song: Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV (with a couple measures of Prelude for intro)

Comments: I made this song with good old fashioned real instruments: An electric bass, an acoustic guitar, a keyboard, and 3 drums. I built the drum loops from a couple different sounds from each drum. In the end I wound up with 28 different tracks that overloaded my processor when I edited the song. The keyboard was an old over-sized organ-like creature I bought at Goodwill for $70 - it had no midi output, only instrument outputs. When I first started, with just the main bass line and one guitar, it opened with the main theme, then went into fight song 1, then the victory theme, then back to a long rock-out session with the main theme. I might go back to it one day, but the drum loop was really hard to make for the 2 minute version, so I haven't gotten around to attempting it for the 9 minute version.

The inspiration came simply from listening to songs on this site combined with many long weekends playing Final Fantasy 4 (then called 2) when it first was released in America. My original intention was a sort of simulation of playing the early stages of the game - you walk around a few minutes, then suddenly get into a random fight, then go back to the game. The thing I hated most about the random fights in the game was that it interrupted the main theme.

Thank you for your consideration, and for the wonderful collection of video game remixes already on the site.


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http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Main Theme" (ff4-07.spc)

Jesus n' shit, tone down those goddamn drums. Snappin' all up in a nigga's face!

Anyway, lead sounds pretty pimped out, good bassline stuffs as well for that funk 'n pr0n style. 1:16 iterates the theme but didn't really change the delivery or arrangement for the second go-around, which was disappointing. So you basically looped it. Bleh. 2:21 goes for the light ending, which was a decent idea.

Decent stuff with a good framework in place, though the soundfield felt a bit empty overall (sans drums). Just needs a bit more filling out. Aside from that, you gotta actually develop the arrangement the whole way through, not lazily loop the first minute's worth of material. Think of more ways to interpret the source tune and work it into the picture. You could easily get over 4 minutes worth of ideas from this.


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Larry hit the nail on the head. Good concept, solid execution so far. I like the tonal choices. But it seems rather empty, and the arrangement is conservative. Don't be afraid to vary things up and add your own material, and don't hesitate to add more instruments to fill out the soundfield more. I like the feel of this so a resub would be cool.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm seriously liking those phat drum sounds man. Great job on the low end too, overall this has a great sound. Unfortunately I think that the arrangement was somewhat underdeveloped, and it could have done with a slightly thicker texture (rhythm guitar perhaps?), something to fill out the mids a bit more. I'd definitely like to see this resubmitted.

NO(Please refine and resubmit)

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