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*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'MetroSyncOpolis'


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Dan Dyer

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Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Metropolis Zone

I made this mix because i wanted to create a mix that would be great so i got my great mates to help me out with idea's and then i could imagine the song that i could mix, Metropolis Zone form Sonic 2, Once i got my song i sat down and created it with my mates (who did not want to be named) who played all the instruments that were included in the ReMix. All in all the mix came out brilliant!

Thanks for listening


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http://project2612.org/download.php?id=37 - 12 "Metropolis Zone"

Guitar performance is REALLY rough and sounds off the entire way. Percussion patterns are boring as hell, and the various Sonic SFX taken from the game sound tacky. Sound balance and production are really unpolished.

Repeating the same arrangement ideas at 1:25 and simply fading out for the finish. You could have taken the arrangement in a new direction.

2:05-long? People need to learn this short undeveloped stuff doesn't cut it.


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