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Posted (edited)

Ignore the sarcastic/rude posters.

The music industry is in a really bad place these days. It's very difficult for someone such as yourself to just come in and try to make money off of music; it just doesn't work like that anymore in the age of piracy and .00001% royalty streaming.

It's more practical to release your music for free or for pay-what-you-want (on like Bandcamp) and work on building a huge fanbase by getting passed on on popular websites and social networks by other people who have big followings, which is more important if you want to eventually make money on music (free music is easier to build a fanbase because there's no difficulty in people "trying out" your music). Other artists are turning to more interesting models like Patreon, where "patrons" can monthly donate a pledged amount to you in the return of "rewards", being access to your newest creative endeavors. It's like crowdfunding, but it's just donations for YOU, not for any specific project. One person I know is using it to fund her new creations, another is using it to actually pay for his living expenses.

But again, you're only going to get success in any of these models with a bigger fanbase. If you don't have any fans, no one's going to donate to you or pay anything to you.

Edited by Neblix
It's more practical to release your music for free or for pay-what-you-want (on like Bandcamp) and work on building a huge fanbase by getting passed on on popular websites and social networks by other people who have big followings, which is more important if you want to eventually make money on music (free music is easier to build a fanbase because there's no difficulty in people "trying out" your music). Other artists are turning to more interesting models like Patreon, where "patrons" can monthly donate a pledged amount to you in the return of "rewards", being access to your newest creative endeavors. It's like crowdfunding, but it's just donations for YOU, not for any specific project. One person I know is using it to fund her new creations, another is using it to actually pay for his living expenses.

That's actually pretty interesting. Never heard of Patreon before =/


Patreon is great. I use it and while I need to market myself a bit more to get it bigger it really has saved my bacon. Patreon is great because it can either be monthly (like OCR) or per work (like myself) and I find the per work model to be great because that way I don't have an off month where I don't make anything and have people pay me for not working as hard as I should to get content out.


Ignore the sarcastic/rude posters.

The music industry is in a really bad place these days. It's very difficult for someone such as yourself to just come in and try to make money off of music; it just doesn't work like that anymore in the age of piracy and .00001% royalty streaming.

It's more practical to release your music for free or for pay-what-you-want (on like Bandcamp) and work on building a huge fanbase by getting passed on on popular websites and social networks by other people who have big followings, which is more important if you want to eventually make money on music (free music is easier to build a fanbase because there's no difficulty in people "trying out" your music). Other artists are turning to more interesting models like Patreon, where "patrons" can monthly donate a pledged amount to you in the return of "rewards", being access to your newest creative endeavors. It's like crowdfunding, but it's just donations for YOU, not for any specific project. One person I know is using it to fund her new creations, another is using it to actually pay for his living expenses.

But again, you're only going to get success in any of these models with a bigger fanbase. If you don't have any fans, no one's going to donate to you or pay anything to you.

Thanks, I'll try out BandCamp man. For right now though; I'm mostly interested in doing music for indie stuff.


I personally got the most album sales out of CDbaby for my admirable but troubled first album, ESPERS, back when it was going to be on Aardvark Records. I don't know if I'd still be selling albums on there today if I had stayed on it, but somehow I still was making money on it long after I exhausted myself trying to market it.

Just chiming my anecdotal experience in there.

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