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*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Flames on the Ice'


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Remixer Name - DoubleMXX

Real Name - Carl Blount

E-Mail Address - sonicchaosadmin@hotmail.com

Website - www.doublemxx.tk

Game Name - Sonic The Hedgehog 3

Song Name - Ice Cap Zone


The first remix I ever made. My main inspiration for this remix was the way I usually play the bassline on my keyboard. (The trinoted scale heard throughout the remix)

Made using my keyboard connected to FLStudio5, along with a lot of patience with my slow computer, my mom nagging me to turn "That annoying racket off before she pulls the plug" and my annoying sisters telling me to "shut up, we're trying to go to sleep"


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Well there's this thing about Icecap submissions. We have so many submissions on it that the bar for this particular track is very high, due to us having excellent Icecap ReMixes already on the site.

This mix, although quite pleasant, isn't spectacular, and that's why I know that it won't be posted. However, since this is the remixer's first, I think constructive feedback would be really useful.

In terms of arrangement, I think some more variated patterns would add a lot more interest to the mix. The synth that comes in with the beat at 0.13 could do with a change of pattern at 0.40. The mix as a whole could do with a real bassline, that would really up the energy level. If you listen to the other Icecap ReMixes on this site, you will see that something extra has been added, in terms of original content/melody, breakdowns etc, things that your mix lacks.

Not bad for a first effort. Keep working on it, and perhaps make use of the WIP forum for more feedback.


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http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Icecap Zone 1"

First :40 seconds has nothing much to do with the IceCap Zone, though I see how the synth brough in at :14 is taken from it. Connection's more overt at :41. I can see why you were told to turn this down as it's TOO LOUD.

Melody plays on some bell-like synths at :51 without any countermelodic support of any type to help fill out the track. The synth design on this is pretty basic/out-of-the-box, and the drumloops in there are disappointing. Track gradually gets busier around the 2 minute mark, but things sounded cluttered until around 2:30.

Arrangement drags and drags over the 3+ minutes; tempo and overall feel never changes, parts are cycled in and out seemingly at random to create a semblance of development and evolution. Tacky key change at 2:58. What's the point of doing that when the track's 90% over?


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I disagree with Larry, there are some chords in the first section from Icecap.. but the melody isn't there. This is just tons of FL presets all over though. A classic "Fruityloops techno" sub if I've ever heard one. Default samples, presets, and drumloops with really no particular attention paid to putting them together. Definitely head to our ReMixing forum and start getting some help on how to beef up your sounds big time.. my tutorials are not a bad place to start (they're stickied).

The arrangement actually could be worse. It doesn't go anywhere, like Larry said, which is not a good thing, but at the same time it's not just a straight up cover of the original. I think you need to focus on production first, with song structure and arrangement as your secondary focus. Changes to layering of the sounds, variations on the original melody, tempo changes, rhythm changes.. all of these things can work to your advantage. The key change on the other hand was too sudden to really be effective. Also, the ending wasn't even an ending. The song just stopped. Come on. I suggest listening to recently posted OCReMixes to get a better idea of the type of sound + arrangement quality we are looking for now.


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