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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 'milkbarmix'


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Dear OCr,

my submission is available at:

i used a combination of acoustic guitar and midi programming, plus loops created in fruityloops. everything was assembled in cakewalk.

thanks for listening and i hope you'll help me realize my life goal of having something posted on ocremix :) i couldn't come up with a clever name for it- i thought about some kind of pun involving 'remix' and 'mixed drink' but eh. milkbarmix gets to the point. the mixer's name is Evan Copelly.

-Evan Copelly

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http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozmmusf.rar - 111 "Milk Bar"

"You can tell this is gonna be a good song." Rightz. Decent stuff, just doesn't fill out the soundfield enough, the synth design is weak, and the drumloops are even weaker. The original's arguably more catchy, and the arrangement isn't particularly creative. Needs more everything. Everything needs more.


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Eh..it's not that bad. it's a cute little soundbyte, but it's less than 2 minutes, it's really just a demo. I thought the instrumentation was fine, if basic. certainly nothing to nitpick over. the drums were repetitive. The main problem is that 1:45 isnt enough time do anything particularly developed.


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Hmm.. yeah, it would be cool to see this developed a little more and fleshed out. There are some interesting melodic and rhythmic things in here, and I liked the way the instruments worked together. The drums were on the weak side, sure, but I think given more time to polish and tweak this they could be improved. I encourage you to go back to this and try to add more to it; maybe another minute or so. It seems like you have a good idea of what making a unique interpretation is, so if you just try to add MORE I'm confident that you'd come up with something good. Give it a shot.


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