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*NO* Legend of Zelda 'The Adventures of Link'


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Hello OC Remix staff!

I'm a fan of you site, and thought I'd contribute with my remix of the Zelda theme. I hope it fits the criteria set for the remixes. It's fully composed anew with an original structure but pretty much same melodies.

ReMixer name: Paul Houseman

e-mail: info@paulhouseman.com

website: http://www.paulhouseman.com

Let me know if something is amiss, I hope I did this right.

Best wishes,

Paul Houseman

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http://www.zophar.net/nsf/zelda.zip - Track 1

Merely 1:51-long? This better be the most interpretive, unique, creative arrangement ever. Only it's not. It's Zelda...orchestrated.

Actually, the energy is pretty good, and you've expanded the theme nicely in terms of adding a lot of new supporting instrumentation.

Some gimmer of hope with some slightly interpretive stuff from 1:14-1:22 instead of just expanding the parts, but that part didn't develop into anything more than a brief transition.

Ending was all sorts of anti-climactic, abrupt and lazy. You clearly show skill and promise that isn't being fully realized.

1. Give your arrangement a legitimately creative, unique title.

2. Give your arrangement a legitimately creative, interpretive arrangement approach.

3. Give your arrangement a legitimately creative, developed >3 minutes, rather than an undeveloped <2 minutes.

Stir, encode, submit. Once you do those things, you'll be in better shape and possess something of more substance. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Why are all the damn Zelda mixes orchestral?

I can feel the energy behind this one. This sounds more like a powerful cover introduction to a live zelda-orchestration concert than a game remix.

Nice and powerful, but needs to be longer, more creative and more reinterprative of the source. Don't be afraid to try some new stuff in between and pad the mix.


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