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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Zeldatrance'


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Hope this is good enough for inclusion:

a.. Contact Info

a.. Your ReMixer name : Cosmic Dreamer

b.. Your real name : Stephan Vandenborn

c.. Your email address : me@cosmicdreamer.be

d.. Your website : http://www.cosmicdreamer.be

e.. Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 23296

b.. ReMix Info

a.. Name of game(s) ReMixed : Legend of Zelda franchise

b.. Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : The zelda theme




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http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/loz3.rsn - "Princess Zelda's Rescue" (loz3-22.spc)

Opens up with some pretty standard technoz flava, though a bit sparse. Good kicks though, and an otherwise decent though formulaic buildup. Elements of arrangement started fading up very gradually at :28, and took a while to build up.

Melody kicked in on vox at :58 in a really unexpected twist, so that was a nice touch. The backing chords seemed a little odd/off, but the overall idea was ok.

Vox dropped out at 1:28 for more of a trancey take on the theme, which was too generic/bland with the approach. The melody itself seemed too subdued, plus there's not much more creativity going on beyond the genre adaptation and some straightforward gating-style effects. The claps holding the foundation of the track are too thin and need some effects to beef 'em up and fill out the background, otherwise this will remain sounding empty.

Arrangement kind of plodded along until the chorus at 2:40 at least changed things up (though the arrangement approach was all the same). 2:54 went with some basic beats and out-of-the-box electrosynths for the close.

The foundation is decent, but the actual melodic content could be more interpretive beyond converting it to a trance-style structure. The production here was also lacking, as the track felt pretty empty. Use some selective delay or other processing to help thicken some of the supporting sounds. The claps in particular, you should try layering more of them together and toying with the way they sound. zircon will have some good basic tips for you if he votes on this one, but otherwise look around the ReMixing forum to help improve under your current software. Decent foundation here, but it needs a lot more work.


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Straightforward would be a good way to describe this. It's not bad, but it doesn't bring anything unique to the table as far as arrangement or sound choice goes, and I think there are lots of places where it could be improved.

For one thing, the hats and snares you're using, especially for the main beat, are painfully generic. Surely you can think of a more interesting pattern than the most basic of basic 4/4 dance beats. Try adding additional closed hihat lines in double time, bongos/congas, shakers, claves, filtered breakbeats, that kind of thing. Intersperse different types of drums (or at least different patterns) with the main drum beat to keep the listener interested. The beat here goes on pretty much through the ENTIRE track, and really, I can't think of many drum lines that are so good that they need to be repeated verbatim throughout a full song.

In regards to arrangement, I don't share Liontamer's concern about the chords. No wrong notes as far as I can hear. However, he's right that the take on the original is a very basic conversion to dance with a little bit of gating. Try changing the rhythm of the melody, arpeggiating it, changing the progression, adding your own melody of the original progression, changing the voicings of chords, that kind of thing. There's a lot you can do. Filling out the track would be a wise idea also. Try some more "digital" sounds for pads and harmony, as right now you have almost entirely basic subtractive synthesis going on. While that has it's own place in any good trance song, it's kind of boring when that's the ONLY thing you're using. Just like Liontamer said, hit the ReMixing forum for more info on that stuff.

Lastly, the ending is just not good. Or rather, the lack of an ending. At the very least you could have faded out elements until you were just left with a melody or a beat and then put a big cymbal crash or reverse at the end. That would have been cliche but it would have gotten the job done. Anyway, take a closer look at this mix and maybe talk to some ReMixers who already have trance remixes posted on the site and ask them for more specific advice if you like their style.


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the into had me groovin. the instruments are somewhat generic but everything sounds crisp. But then the break...

oh man. as soon as the vocal came in, i knew. This is just the melody pasted into a generic trance song. this comes out in akward rhythmic transitions where the melody doesnt quite fit. oh man.

the production is fairly slick, but the arrangement is so generic and cookie cutter.


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