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*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'FIGHT!!!'


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Email sub file Fight!!!.mp3

Well as you can probably tell by the title, this is the first piece of music I've sent to you guys, I hope you enjoy it. All the details for it are below;


REMIX OF: FFVII - Fighting

BY: Gaz

COMPOSER: Nobuo Uematsu

It's a rocked-up version of the original, made with my effect pedal and a drum synthesiser. The mix is a little bass-y as I recorded it on a 7 year old PC, but I think the idea comes across. So, hope it meets your approval.




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http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 110 "Fighting"

Decent stuff, just needlessly loud and underdeveloped. Too much grungy mud in the midrange. Don't really have any comments on the production other to stop trying to break my ears.

1:40-long? Cool approach, but it ended before it started and didn't bother touching most of the theme. Make it 3 times as long and develop the arrangement further. How about a remix title that isn't cornball and indicative of the n00b as well?


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Ouch! That guitar tone is kind of grating there. I'm normally not one to be picky about that sort of thing, but some of the mid-high frequencies really stick out and make it somewhat unpleasant to listen to. I wasn't really feeling the drums either. The main pattern was energetic, but the fills could have been better and I think it could have used more variation overall. The samples themselves were also not so good, and sounded cheap in comparison to the other parts. If you hit the ReMixing forum you'll surely find information about where to find beefier drums for this style of music. Also, I thought some of the performance of the guitar was a bit sloppy (the rising thirds, specifically).

Liontamer kind of covered my problem with the arrangement. This IS interpretive.. you didn't just cover the theme, but at the same time, you left out a lot of the source tune and the mix just isn't long enough to really do anything cool. There's not even really an ending, and the texture/dynamics of the song are identical pretty much all the way through. Take a listen to some of the guitar-based rock remixes posted over the last year or so and you'll get a good idea of the standard for that style. Mixes by CarboHydroM, BrainCells, and SnappleMan would be a good place to start.


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