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Posted (edited)


I would like to submit one of my remixes. Here are details about me:

· My ReMixer name: DEMON ShineGami

· My email address:

· My userid: 53566

And about the track:

· Name of game(s) arranged: Super Valis IV

· Name of arrangement: Battle for Dream World

· Name of individual song(s) arranged: Vecanti; Castle Vanity; Valhalla

· Additional information: the game was developed by Telenet Japan and released in 1992 for PC Engine (CD-ROM) and then ported to SNES. Original soundtrack for SNES version was composed by Junta (PC Engine version has a completely different music). And since I’m using the SNES version music all the credit goes to Junta.

· Link to the original soundtrack (in the order of my remixed version):

1. Vecanti (


2. Castle Vanity (


3. Valhalla (


· Your own comments about the mix: this is one of my most beloved SNES games. Its graphic, gameplay and characters are simply marvelous. And so is the music. That’s why I decided to make my own arrangement of these three favorite themes.



Castle Vanity


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
Posted (edited)

Ack, my ears, those screaming saws. They sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. Not that they can't work and I know some people really like them. I'm going to have to revisit this one and check the sources, but I'm inclined toward no simply because the track is relentless, brittle, and LOUD. I wish there were a softer section somewhere. The drums never change. There are some nice details in the arrangement though. Ok we'll see about this one.

edit: I'm going to go with my gut, I feel like this needs further work and Larry's vote helped me be sure of mine. So yeah, better leads, more variation in the beat, and ideally some sort of softer section or breakdown would be a great direction to take this.

NO (resubmit)

Edited by Chimpazilla

"Nails on a chalkboard" SUPAsaws aside, I think Chimpa otherwise made a perfectly reasonable case for why this doesn't pass yet.

I'm not dying on hearing the detuned saws, BUT they still sound super generic. Same with whatever the lead was at 4:16; it's all pretty cheesy stuff, and the tones of those leads don't even click with the dance groove here.

Melodically, the only real difference with the originals was the leads sounding detuned; I'd argue it just made the themes sound less melodious, plus the themes just kind of proceed one after the other without meaningful transitions. It doesn't sound horrible, but it also gives the piece less direction & flow.

I also agreed with Chimpa on the beats being super-repetitive over the long haul; the arrangement's nearly 7 minutes, so more subtle alterations in the rhythms & textures of the beats would help keep this fresh. There are definitely some changeups, but the same core patterns are just swapped in and out the whole time, so the overall energy, tone, and density of the piece doesn't evolve during the 6:40. Dynamically, it plods.

This isn't terribly produced, but it needs further beat variations, more direction & dynamic contrast, more melodious leads, and real transitions between the themes.



I don't mind the concept of your track, but you need to revisit the instrumentation and arrangement side of things. The track sounds very similar most of the way through due to the beats being on constant repeat and the same synth tones playing, resulting in little change in energy across the track.

Your production isn't bad, things were fairly audible throughout. I wasn't a fan of your lead saw being panned to the right for most of the track, and it doesn't change in texture, keeping it fairly static and uneventful. I actually disliked the synth brass more than the saws which didn't feel like they fit to me. These leads felt more like placeholder instruments, where the artist would normally come back after the arrangement was done and strengthen the sounds.

At present, I don't think what you have here justifies the length of the piece - the soundscape doesn't have a lot going on over the course of the track. You need to make the arrangement more interesting. Try to make your leads evolve more by playing around with some notes and cut-off/filter changes. Considering adding a breakdown section somewhere in your arrangement to change things up. Swap instruments more frequently. Play with your bassline. Explore the sources more and make it your own.


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