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Videogame/Anime Music FB Page


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Hey all i'd like to extend an invitation to a public facebook group dedicated to discussing anime/videogame music topics. This group was actually formed by our band 8-bit wave and we play our own arrangements of music from games/anime at conventions like FL supercon. We'd like to make it more popular with your help if any of you guys have facebook accounts :) its a fun group and when people suggest tracks we take that into account to make an arrangement for a performance. We actually perform with synced videos of gameplay and amvs. It's awesome and i'd encourage you all to check it out! You can see clips of some of the arrangements on the fan page if you're interested in hearing them along with a video.





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That video you have on the About section of your Facebook page is just about the worst self-promotion I've ever seen.  It's almost inaudible, only lasts a few seconds, and it's even upside-down.  In fact, I can't find any examples of your music at all--just videos cut to other peoples' music and some interviews and Let's Plays.  I love listening to VG remix bands' stuff but you sure don't make it easy.

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Yes I saw what you said about the video but it should be fixed. Probably a problem with the way it was uploaded. I didn't know that video was on the about section another admin must have posted it there that's not a video I would use to promote either. You seem to have a misunderstanding of what the group does. We do not do remixes. They are arrangements of music as I stated when I first commented here. Arrangements made by a member of our group. For example, the kirby medley you heard in that video was written by a program called staffpad for our chamber music group. We haven't put full videos of the songs we are performing because we do not want to give anything away when we perform it live at the convention I spoke of. Besides we literally just made the youtube account yesterday in regards to the let's plays so that's why I wasn't advertising the youtube group on this page. We are recording the full music group this same week to have fulls songs up without videos. Those songs will be recorded on professional equipment and not on someone's phone. I'm sorry I don't mean to make it difficult on anyone to check out our stuff. This is the song of healing arrangement I did on staffpad for the group. Yes I wrote them it is not someone else's music. The video being shown is the video we will have playing while we play the song. It's going to be on a large projector. Let me know if you can see it with the link below. 





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Yes, that's more like it.  Sorry about the nomenclature; these aren't "remixes" but could be considered "ReMixes."


Staffpad is only good for notations and very rough mockups, though, so they're not really good for promotion either.

The problem with putting none of your music online where people can find it is that they have no reason to be interested in you.  I hope that once you have an actual chamber recording, you'll put up at least one of them, or even just a sample of it.  Your Facebook page links to your YouTube channel, so right now you have a serious branding problem.  I'd personally suggest taking the Let's Play videos off the channel, at least until you have way more videos that show off what your group is actually about.

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Yes of course we want to put up recordings of us playing and make that our primary focus :) and using staffpad for notation is precisely what we need because we are musicians that are reading music not doing things by ear etc. Believe me I didn't want to advertise the youtube page until we had videos of us playing and that was the fault of one of our admins on facebook linking the youtube page when it wasn't ready. Working with a lot of people in a group can be difficult -___- lol but at least with the videos I sent you can have a midi version of what we'll be doing for right now. Sorry for all the confusion. 

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