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OCR03259 - *YES* Portal 2 'Motion Sickness' *RESUB*

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previous decision

ReMixer & real name: Eino Keskitalo


forum id: 20708

Names of game arranged: Portal 2

Name of Arrangement: Motion Sickness

Names of song arranged: Reconstructing Science



Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W921jTlBeI

This is a tweaked & resubbed version of my PRC220 entry. (http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC220). I got lots of great feedback from the competition, judges panel and in the workshop, especially Gario, Rozovian and timaeus222. Fun side note: I did music for a game jam game just before the round (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WXTr0qGfaE) and used that piece as a template to get the compo submission done quickly. Polishing the mix to this point took the usual two, I mean three years, though.

Arrangement-wise I've taken the basic 8-note melody/figure and based the bassline on it (I've "shifted" it to the offbeat, rhythmically) and built from there. I introduced a bit more obvious/conscious source connections thanks to Gario's workshop mod review. The title is a bitter one, I would love to play Portal 2 (co-op!!!), but I get motion sickness from the game.

Some source breakdown follows. Here's the bits I've used from the source:

0:51-1:05 "half-time" main riff

0:00-0:07 "fast" main riff; the variation/ending at 0:05 is only

referenced once at a bg melody.

0:29-0:36 background stuttering melody-ish support bleep

0:22-0:29 bassy line

0:00-0:08 revving up, no source

0:08-0:23 stutter support bleep

0:24-0:53 bass line made from the half-time main riff, stutter support bleep, 0:41 the saw also plays the same figure as the bass line

0:53-1:08 bass line made form fast main riff, slow square wave bleeps

use half-time main riff, saw uses that also

1:08-1:23 half-time bass line with original lead & bits and pieces of the source in the support writing secondary melody based on the fast

main riff (from 0:02 and 0:05)

1:23-1:25 the quiet "ticking" is based on the fast main riff

1:25-1:40 square wave lead plays the half-time main riff

1:40-1:47 in addition, the ticking plays the fast main riff

1:47-1:55 in addition, the filtered saw lead is based on the bassy

line from source

1:55-1:57 it's the ticking!

1:57-2:26 the fast bass line + the half-time riff on the square lead;

original leads, ticking & stuttering from source in the background

2:26-> the ticking.. THE TICKINGGG

Yeah. Cheers!



I think the mixing issues have been addressed.  I still find the writing somewhat directionless, but it's not really bothering me as much this time around.  The mix has the industrial/crazy feel of the game, the portals to everywhere and nowhere, and Cave Johnson with his insane rants about lemons.  I'm actually going


YES this time.   :-D

  • 2 weeks later...

This has basically got the sound of OCR circa 2006, but I think it works well enough here as well. The boxes are checked: production is passable, source is definitely used effectively throughout, can't really nitpick too much. I think it's a bit odd-sounding if taken as a traditional EDM song, but that's not really the point here. 


Not getting any opposition from me!




This track had my support in its original form and this revision only polishes the edges even further. Production sounds rock-solid now and the minor loose ends such as the ending are right where they should be now. The futuristic Deus Ex vibe works so well with the minimalist source tune, and I'm a big fan of the unconventional soloing throughout the track.


To the front page with you!




i am judging purely based off this iteration and this iteration alone


i dig it and i dig it hard. lots and lots of energy and that's key for me given its stylistic makeup (EDM but not really... which is cool); it stays fresh and doesn't get repetitive. the bass does seem a smidge WHOAAAAA but it doesn't bother me, i'm good with it. plenty of source, good arrangement, sounds like you know what you're doin, makes me think i might know what i'm doin so thank you for that and all in all a 


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