avaris Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Alrighty it's submitted, if you guys have any clipping please let me know right away so I can fix it. My speaker's are blown so...you get the picture. Googlepages Link http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/LufiaandtheFortressofDoomThatGirlIKnewOCReMix.mp3 Putfile Link http://media.putfile.com/Lufia-That-Girl-I-Knew-90 Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Decent drum work, but it seems too much like a midi rip. Great source tune though. I suggest Adding some personal touches to this. Quote
avaris Posted August 16, 2006 Author Posted August 16, 2006 yeah i've added a few actually, they are only in the 2nd half of the song. They are all very subtle though, most of them are just added backings and harmonies. It still follows the original song structure except for when I use the cello that's playin the bass to play the melody in about 4 bars, but even that is not a major change. This version is just pretty much a basic feel and sound for the song. Just wanting to see if people are diggin this style for this source tune. The next thing I'm doin will be to make this mix "mine" by doing some real arrangement. Quote
DJ MacG Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Wow. The entire time I was listening I was just smiling. It made me feel really happy inside Now I really want to make something like this. Mind tell me what you used in this song? Quote
avaris Posted August 16, 2006 Author Posted August 16, 2006 To be honest whenever I listen to this, it produces the same exact effect too. I am pretty much using all sf2 files, no crazy electronic stuff or vst. I try to keep it kosher in this mix. Got most of the stuff from hammersound and some from random places. I go searching through the web for sf2 files all the time. Lots of bongos and marimbas those kind of percussion. The feeling you get from this song, is also due to the source tune, it gives u the same reaction if you listen to it in midi format. Quote
ocremixfan Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 joyful song... I liked it! just to be sure... this is from Lufia 1, right? I haven't played it and I don't remember this music in Lufia 2 maybe later I'll look for the original and compare... then I'll try to post some constructive comment (as far as my lack of skills allows me) Quote
avaris Posted August 17, 2006 Author Posted August 17, 2006 yeah it's from Lufia1, but shhh...don't spoil anything about 2 I am halfway through 1 and im gonna play 2 after that Quote
ocremixfan Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 I loved lufia 2... I skipped 1 because the graphics scared me! but nowadays, I'd play it anyway! I became very plot-focused! Yeah... maybe it's a good idea! but... wait! I have two unfinished RPG games in progress! but... they're boring anyway! enought blabbing! well... when you finish playing lufia 2, I'll have some mix suggestions for you! Quote
Ronyn Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 I barely remember Lufia 1 and 2, but if I remember right they were almost exactly the same game. If I'm wrong, just call me old; I feel old Definitely dig the drums and mood. Feels kinda african and pan-asian at the same time. A bit percussion heavy now, but I'm sure that'll balance out as you finish it. Maybe some exotic instruments or riffs? Good work! Quote
avaris Posted August 24, 2006 Author Posted August 24, 2006 Alright this is a small update. 1. lowered the volume level of the percussion 2. changed the backing strings in the last part to play less notes. 3. messed around with the settings on the flute sample to improve it's sound 4. added a whole new part 8 bars long in the begining-middle part of the song. In this part I use a whole new chord progression and melody, that were created by blending two existing chord progressions and melodies in the song. This mix is extremely hard to rearrange the melody and harmonies (actually using different notes) Anything you do just makes the song completely loose it's mood and feel (which are it's best parts) I know basic music theory very well and understand, so if u know a lot about music theory and what not you can use all the basic terminalogy in describing things for me and I'l completely understand. But don't go into no crazy shite bc I'll only halfway get it. Personally I think with enough rearrangement to make this "acceptable" and maybe one or two or more ideas or small changeups I can submit this one soon. Thats just my thoughts, if u think differently say so u'd have prob noticed something in the song that can be fixed that I haven't noticed. Holy sh!te, that's a long message. Oh yeah I found out that Lufia 2 is the prequel to Lufia 1, sick I'd always thought that'd be a great idea. The graphics are way better too, now all I gotta do is finish the Lufia 1. Quote
ocremixfan Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 the overall music is better... but it still seems that you haven't took some time to compose something else to include here. and you did some cut-and-paste arrangement on the first third of the music... the rest remains almost (if not exactly) the same. do some "homogeneous" arrangement around! Quote
avaris Posted August 26, 2006 Author Posted August 26, 2006 there is just one part of the melody I redid. Yeah, what I'm prob gonna have to do is basically redo the whole thing and keep the same instruments and basic ideas. The scale the source is in, makes this one really hard to work with. Quote
avaris Posted August 27, 2006 Author Posted August 27, 2006 ok, although this mix is a major pain in my ass composition wise I have been hard at work toying around with it. It's in the key of Dmaj, although sometimes C is played and other times C# is played. I did some more rearrangment of the melody, and now I am goin through and humanizing everything (it'll take me about 1 hour). After that I'll rip the mp3 for the update, since I use all sf2 files it takes about 2hours for that. So I'll either put the update on here late tonight or tomorrow morning. I know the soundscape and feel here is good. Comments on the rearrangement would be nice bc thats pretty much whats is holding this mix back. Quote
avaris Posted September 2, 2006 Author Posted September 2, 2006 Alrighty let this one go for awhile and came back to it. The recomposition I did was off in a few places so I fixed that along with other lil small things throughout the 3rd version. But when I listened to it, it actually sounded good. The problem with me listening to this and why I was having such a hard time is bc I know the source tune so well, and i am expecting to hear the exact progression of the source tune in places but I don't because this is a remix obviously. So...tell me what you think of this version. OCR worthy? Bc now I know I have enough rearrangement to be accepted, just need to know if the rearrangement I've done sounds good or not. 4th version Googlepages http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/ThatGirlIKnew.mp3 4th version Putfile http://media.putfile.com/That-Girl-I-Knew Quote
Ronyn Posted September 2, 2006 Posted September 2, 2006 This sounds a lot better to me now. At 0:52 there's an attack in the cello that's a bit strong, I think you should back it off like the previous notes. It comes out so suddenly it almost sounds random. I think you need a major change at 0:54 and where the melody repeats later.. I can't remember what the previous version sounding like, but for some reason, this section stuck out less in this version than I remember it doing before. I think changing the instrument that sounds like a pan drum doing the ostinatos would be good for that section. It has a good run for the "don't worry be happy" feel, but I think more of a build would help that section. Quote
John Revoredo Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Oh, here's my review. I found only one problem I think that you haven't choosen the best instruments. Listen to this song http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00952/ Maybe you should try piano instead of marimbas and oboe instead of japanese flute. Anyway, good job Quote
avaris Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 JG: The entrance to the section at :54 is the same as before. The notes being played before the start of that section are different though. SO there's ur culpit. Also the first chorus at :54 part is played an octave below what the original was. The rythm that I add during the chorus, I'll prob add some variotan to it in bwetween different sections. At 0:54 the chelo bass goes from playing staccato to just the normal notes. Prometheus: Listened to the mario one and I liked it. I like these instruments that I got, bc my more quality and origina sf2 files and perussion are more asian. But I might try to use that instrumentation and see what it sounds like. Quote
John Revoredo Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Whoah, i thought you were going to kill me IF you use fruityloops you might try to get somewhere Edirol orchestral, has got some nice piano,oboe,clarinet... samples. Quote
avaris Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 nah im not, u had a good point. That instrumentationn from the mario song could work. I had a similar instrumentation with a pan flute and piano before and then changed it to what it currently is and liked it alot better. But in that mario song the production values are handled completely different so maybe that's the trick to gettin that orchestral sound to work with this kinda mix. Im prob gonna stick with my current instrumentation setup, but i'll def try out that kinda setup just to see. Oh yeah I'm using a thumb piano and not marimbas, similar sound though. Quote
avaris Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 Hey Prometheus I did a real quick job on that orchestral instrumentation idea u had. Here's the link for it. Putfile http://media.putfile.com/Lufia-That-Girl-I-Knew GooglePages http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/Lufia3Orch.mp3 This version also includes a new varition on that lil percussion that comes in during the chorus, thats in the regular version. I will post the update for that or late today, bc im gonna be working on other mixes and when I rip the regular version it takes around an hour on low settings. Quote
John Revoredo Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Heard the Putfile version. Man, your song is getting HOT. Maybe you should try three things. Start using the drums 0:55 or so and a bit later. I mean, now this is the time to dig into a bigger intro. Use a few "relaxing synths" (pads and so, like your schala tune) to fill everything a bit. Introduce somekind of bass, pads when you introduced the drums, but don't put them yet wait to 0:55. And then suddenly in the theme start with the drums. Try to make some contrast and make parts where no drums are used (verses). The drums feel like as if they were from a ballad !! . I think that it doesn't fit the mood!!. you should try other sounds, and make them sound soft(like in the mix you heard the link) Ah, one more thing, make a "variation" part in the middle, just like the chrono trigger theme part 2 ( yeah, that theme has two parts!) That will make the song don't sound repetitive and increase GREATLY its overall quality. Maybe you could fit the schala theme in that part, dunno, find something. Keep composing like this, your mix is getting cool. Quote
avaris Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 Thanks Prometheus those are some good arrangements ideas. Good thing I've already analyzed all of the composition, so implementing those ideas is really easy, and i'll be able to get a much better 'orchestral' sounding update sometime today. I didn't actually start making this mix as a remix. I was playin Lufia and the tune was so nice that i just throwing some instruments over it as a cover. I really didn't have arrangement ideas goin into it. Quote
avaris Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 alrighty new links for both of the versions The orch version has a pad in it. Rythm is a lil different. I still need to work on the rythm in the orch version and some of the entrances. Might add some to the Orch version not sure yet. Two versions which one is better? Damn Prometheus and I was close to finishing too haha, oh well if it ends up being better then its all worth it! Quote
John Revoredo Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 Ok, now it's getting better. But it just don't feel allright with the flute playing the same as the piano in the beginning. Try to write something different. You should put pads in the intro too!. Try changing the drums! at least give it a try!! (i don't mean changing the beat, wich is nice , but that ballad-like drumset.). You gonna hate me forever, but i got an idea. Your tune is in D major. Then in the variation part, just BEFORE (edited, I wroteafter instead of before ) beginning once again that melodic loop, change the chord for F# Major and make up a minor part in B Minor. Then, you can go back to the other thing using A major. Check that out. Is nice to make a variation part. This is getting hot, but it needs a variation part. Give a try to changing the drums. If you didn't like, you can always change them back. ------------ EDIT : Only one vote? ----------- Quote
ocremixfan Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 ok then... voted! (now you know my vote! damn! where's the anonymity? ) Quote
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