Chimpazilla Posted September 4, 2015 Posted September 4, 2015 (edited) ReMixer & real name: Eino Keskitalo e-mail: forum id: 20708 ReMixer name: Jorito Real name: Jorrith Schaap e-mail: forum id: 3917 ReMixer name: Xarnax42 Real name: Jesse Deacon forum id: 37005 Names of games arranged: Shovel Knight Name of Arrangement: Shovel's Lament Names of individual songs arranged: The Requiem of Shield Knight, A Thousand Leagues Below Source 1: Source 2: The arrangement, with MP3 download: Backup link: This track combines 2 songs from the game Shovel Knight into a sad, lamenting song with vocals. It features the songs 'Requiem of Shield Knight' and 'A Thousand Leagues Below'. It was made in one week for the Knights of the ReMix doubles compo. Composition and arrangement by Jorito and evktalo, lyrics by evktalo and vocals by Xarnax42. Mixed and mastered by Andy Booth from - service recommended! ReMixer comments follow. I didn't get anything from Jesse yet, perhaps they can be sent in later if he has something to add? Jorito: This was one of those crazy moments where everything falls into place naturally and gets driven by tons of inspiration and motivation. It already started at the very beginning. Initially we were debating between either a very frantic song or a calm song with orchestral elements. Inspiration struck me, and I went for a sad, lamenting piece, and within 2 hours the basic song and mood were setup. In another bout of inspiration I contacted Jesse (Xarnax42), who had to drop out in the singles tourney, through the forums and asked him if he’d be willing to do the vocals. Turned out that Jesse was eager to do some vocals again and in a stroke of luck he also had time to deliver on short notice. A few back ’n forths of the arrangement between Eino and me and some very constructive IRC sessions later with the 3 of us the rest more or less happened automagically and we all dig the end result that’s now in front of you to enjoy. Eino: Throughout the two rounds of the Shovel Knight tournament, I was amazed by Jorito's drive and work ethic - I did my best to step up my game to keep up with him! It was very educational to work on lyrics for someone else to sing. The writing process was iterative with lots of useful feedback from the whole team, getting everything to fall into place. Jesse being able to do several work-in-progress takes certainly helped with the satisfying end result. All the awkwardness in the lyric was worked out while keeping the intention intact. The lyric should be meaningful without knowing the game, while those familiar with it hopefully appreciate the references. Everything here definitely clicked - everyone was clearly inspired to put forth their best. Very proud of this one. Source breakdown: 0:00-0:07 Celeste intro, based on the Requiem lead at 0:03-0:05. 0:08-0:16 Cello enters, riff is from A Thousand Leagues Below @ 0:55-0:57. 0:16-0:32 Variation of the main melody from Requiem with different bass. 0:32-1:04 Two first thirds of the first verse, based on Requiem's 0:02-0:24 (though on 0:02-0:12 more clearly); ATLB 0:55 riff from the intro features at 0:55-1:04. 1:04-1:35 Final third of the verse follows the 0:25-0:47 portion of the Requiem (ATLB 0:55 riff again ata 1:12-1:20). 1:35-2:08 The chorus is based on ATLB 0:55-1:05, which is easiest to hear 1:43-1:52 and 2:04-2:08. The vocal melody is based on 0:57 and 1:00 of the source. 2:08-2:40 The second verse follows 0:25-0:47 in the requiem. The cello adds some ATLB from 0:19-0:24 at 02:31-02:39. 2:40-3:10 The second chorus. 3:10-3:44 From ATLB 0:19-0:36. 3:45-4:00 From ATLB 0:36-0:46 (acoustic guitar), trumpet solo based on the main Requiem melody. 4:00-4:16 The same, actually. especially audible at the end. 4:16-4:32 From ATLB 0:46-0:55. 4:32-end Repeats of the chorus (neatly continuing the ATLB coverage from 0:55->). That's all. Cheers! Edited October 1, 2015 by Liontamer closed decision
Chimpazilla Posted September 4, 2015 Author Posted September 4, 2015 Nice way to handle these sources (which are amazingly emotional even in chiptune form). The remix does attain a moody and sad feel and the performances are very nice including the lush backing vocal harmonies. The main problem I have with this track is, unfortunately, the lead vocal. While Jesse is on-pitch for the most part, and the vibrato is competent, there is something in the vocal quality that isn't fitting this song for me. Perhaps it is the mixing, as the track comes off feeling thin despite the beautiful instrumentation, and the lead vocal feels stiff, too loud/dry, and pasted on top, instead of sitting nicely in the mix. I'm also not convinced you got the best mastering job possible, sorry to say. As much as I can tell how much work and effort and heart went into this, I just can't see it on the site. I'm so sorry. Good luck with the rest of this vote! NO
Jivemaster Posted September 30, 2015 Posted September 30, 2015 I really like the instrumentation in this mix, a nice choice of voices, with things not sounding overly mechanical. An interesting way to combine sources and a very out of comfort zone remix fo sho. For me I am in the Chimp camp where the vocals proved problematic to me, but for different reasons. The first few lines in particular I was not sure about - some of the pitch changes felt like they were out. As the mix progressed, I felt things got better, especially when vocal harmonies hit. I thought the "chorus" was pretty decent as well. I didn't have any major problems with your mixing - some elements could have been brought out more, and some parts were slightly dry, but nothing stood out to me that I felt required major reworking. A bit difficult for me to really rate this one at this point, as I like it but some of the vox were definitely weird and could perhaps do with some slight pitch correction/manipulation. I'd like to see what others have to say about this one. I'm pretty borderline at this point. NO (borderline)
DragonAvenger Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 I can hear what the others are saying about the vocals here. I don't think they are to the point that they alone would bring the track to a no, but I have a couple other issues that do for me. That being said, any of the vocal fixed would be great! My biggest issue overall comes from how thin the track feels. To me I feel like at times there's just too much empty space. I'd love you to maybe even add some quiet backing strings (maybe double bass?), or something to give the track a little more. The other issue I'm not liking is the violin. First is that it's panned to the right for most of the track. Not as much an issue when it's in the background, but when it has the lead it feels weird. I also feel like it could be humanized a little more, it feels kinda uncanny valley at the moment. I really like the concepts and sources you used, but I think it needs a little more. No (resubmit)
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