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Dear Sir Pretzel,

I made a remix for you. Here is a link to the stuff (mp3 320kbps)
Contact Information Submission Information
  • Game arranged: Sonic Rush
  • Remix name: Darker Than Black
  • Original: Wrapped In Black
  • This game is for the Nintendo DS. The original song was composed by Hideki Naganuma.
  • Link to original
  • My comments:
Dang, I love this song. Wrapped in Black is my favorite tune from the Sonic Rush soundtrack, and I jam out to it on a near-daily basis - it's one of my favorite tracks from Hideki Naganuma. He is one of my inspirations as an artist, and I hope to one day be as musically creative as he is!
That's all I really have to say on the mix. All I ask is that you not call it "dubstep" this time around :D
Yours respectfully,
Asa Price
  • 4 weeks later...

I really like the more aggressive tone you are taking with the track, as while the original source is good, it relied too much on the vocal clips. Your version uses the same clips a decent amount, but has a lot of extra interest, and the more subdued B section where guitar was featured was just what this needed to get to the next level. 


Production and arrangement are both above the bar, and the mood was great. I'm really feeling this, nice work. 



  • 2 weeks later...

Can't say I like the source song much, especially compared to most Sonic songs. In fact, I think you improved on the song in almost every regard. The harder approach definitely suits it more, and you used the voice clips more tastefully. The sparser guitar/chip section was very cool and a great contrast from the heavier groove. The filter-heavy breakdown was also interesting, though my favorite was the crazy dubstep section that followed afterward. Lots to love about this mix.




A punchy mix with a lot of energy. Nice use of alternate panning of voice samples and accompanying synths. I also particularly enjoyed the switch of pacing of your drum arrangement between different areas, which I think this track really needed, as the energy is high throughout and it would've been easy to fall into the trap of assaulting the ears right through to the end of the mix. I would've liked to hear some additional breakdown sections for the duration to give the listener a rest, but it's certainly not a dealbreaker here.


I'm with Chimpz regarding the bass levels. The bass is very big, occupies a good chunk of the dynamic range and is noticeably boomy - especially in the less busy sections. It's the main thing that sticks out for me on the production side of things and it would've been great to hear this toned down a bit. It drew me close to a borderline vote but we'll just leave it as a



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