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OCR03290 - *YES* Donkey Kong Country 'Aquatic Shrediance'

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Hello! I recently had my tracked approved by the mods on the OCRemix forum so here is my submission!

ReMixer name - ToxicxEternity
Real name - Jack Fliegler
Email address - 
Website - Facebook.com/ToxicxEternity
Userid - 54468
Name of game arranged - Donkey Kong Country
Name of arrangement - Aquatic Shrediance
Name of individual song arranged - Aquatic Ambience / Coral Capers
Original track - http://youtu.be/wAPpVplHiDE
My Remix (also attached) - 
Comments - I've been doing metal remixes of video game songs for a while and they usually turn out pretty intense and heavy. With this track, I was looking to step out of my comfort zone a bit and calm things down using an acoustic guitar and a more ambient soundscape. I had a lot of fun recording these parts because it's very different than what I usually do.

Rad! This shares some similarities to this remix by The Distortionist but I think your more relaxed, acoustic focus helps set it apart nicely. Your guitar skills are impeccable, and despite the fact that your mix feels somewhat conservative, the harmonic variations and fills are enhancing the original writing in subtle, but very important ways. And that solo is killer! Overall, this is really doing the trick for me, even though this source and this style have been done several times before by some very talented people.


The acoustic guitar outro sounds a little rough to me, I can't tell if maybe something is a little out of tune or if you've got too many different guitar parts and things just aren't lining up quite perfectly... or maybe my ears are just going bad? It's tough for me to tell, anyone else have any insight on that? Also, that fadeout happens very quickly and doesn't sound great in my opinion.


There's some significant distortion in the first 45 seconds, particularly starting at :30. I'm hearing it very noticeably on headphones. Tentatively, I'd be okay with signing off on the rest of the track but I feel that the distortion is distracting during that section and should hopefully be easy enough to fix.


YES (conditional on distortion fix from :30-:45)




I've actually had the privilege of hearing this particular arrangement LIVE, thanks to the fact that Jack is a local here. He occasionally breaks out the jams at Endgame, a local video game bar, and tends to rock the house completely! 


Anyways, on to this track. I have a few nitpicks: the drums are locked to the grid and not sequenced in a super-interesting way, but the guitars are so superb that it doesn't matter as much. The bassline is also pretty vanilla, and I would have loved to hear a bit more interesting work there, but that's also masked by the guitars. Mix is pretty decent. I'm hearing what you mean by the distortion between :30-:45ish, Emu. I'm not sure it's a dealbreaker but I'll ping Jack and see if we can get a re-render quickfast to make this easier. Solos are excellent, per what I'd expect, and I really love the arrangement overall.




I feel like the distortion problem in the intro is that the lead guitar is too fuzzy.  It is making the lead disappear into the soundscape imo.  The electric guitar also sounds quite different to the acoustic guitars that follow it, the acoustic guitars sound louder and it's a big contrast.  The electric guitar sounds too fuzzy to my ears wherever it appears in the track, and too quiet.  Perhaps a re-amp is needed?


Agreed with Mike that the drums are a bit vanilla.  Drums could have more volume and presence.  I'm not a fan of the extreme panning in the outro, it makes me think my left speaker has suddenly failed.


Definitely a conservative arrangement, but the performances are absolutely dynamite.  DAT SOLO.  Even with some nitpicks, this is good stuff!




I'd love to hear a re-render that fixes the clipping early on. 


The arrangement is really nice, good polyrhythms and nice playing, excellent solo too!


The acoustic interludes are what set this apart stylewise, though and takes it to the next level. Really good phrasing and chops,  you played to your strengths here.



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