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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Tales of a Mare'

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Posted (edited)

I liked the intro galloping concept, but the instrumentation later on is a little simplistic/basic... arrangement is pleasant enough, could use some feedback.

- djp


ReMixer Name: lacifer
Real Name: Lasse Finbråten 
Website: https://soundcloud.com/lacifermaximus
User ID: 53553

Game:The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Arrangement Name: Tales Of A Mare
Song Arranged: Epona´s Song 
Platform: N64
Composer: Koji Kondo
Release Year: 1998
Ever since I heard the main melody of Epona`s song when playing Ocarina Of Time, I have always wanted to make another version of it. I suddenly got a vision of what I thought it would sound like, but have been on and off working on the song for a year ,due to lack of time. I think I`m there now...
Main tools: 
MacBook Pro, Logic Pro X (with included AU`s) , Pianoteq5 ,Symphonic Orchestra…  
Edited by Liontamer
closed decision

I like the hoofbeat percussion in the intro!  They could be louder and they are a bit dry, and I think some further horse sounds could be added!  Why not?  How about a couple of soft whinnies and snorts?  Maybe some distant chickens and other farm sfx too?  I like to make a track into a story whenever possible, and this track would definitely qualify for that treatment!  With enough tasteful reverb on the sfx, it would really tell the story well I think.  Freesound.org is great for sfx of all kinds.


This is cute and emotive but very simply and stiffly sequenced without much humanization of the instruments.  The cello notes are very long and unhumanized from 0:38-1:10.  The flute and oboe players don't take any breathing breaks!  The high strings sound quite a bit better by comparison.

I really like the arrangement even thought the melody playthroughs are conservative.  I wish it were mastered a little louder overall, the dynamics are good but it's almost too quiet for most of it.  The final passage is really nice!  But I feel like that passage could stand to have a little more bass presence.  The bass could be louder overall throughout the track.  The chords at 3:07-3:12 are so gorgeous.

Honestly, I really love this, it is bringing tears to my eyes.  I'm on the fence here because it's just that sweet an arrangement.  Gonna see what other say.  Needs moar horse.  And chickens.  And stuff.   :-D

edit 1/4/16:  Listening again, I still really like this arrangement, but I feel that the simplicity of the majority of the writing absolutely demands that the articulations of all the instruments be as humanized as possible.  It's not going to take too much for me to pass this personally, but I'd like one more pass at the humanization.  Please also consider my sfx idea!


NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

Right from the start you establish a great pastoral vibe with the original piano writing and the extremely clever galloping percussion.

The mood is strong but I feel like the execution is falling a bit short in some areas. The piano sample sounds ever-so-slightly thin and stiffly-sequenced when it's exposed in the intro, but it works a lot better as a backing instrument. The soundscape feels rather barren for most of the mix - not to say you HAVE to fill it out with sfx like Kristina is suggesting, but I do think that would help!

The big issue for me is the very straightforward instrumentation during the middle of the mix, coupled with some unrealistic sequencing. I hate to be blunt, but everything from :38-1:42 is just so straightforward. I appreciate the slow, dynamic build you've got going, but the first few verses are so basic that it leaves me wanting more, and simultaneously highlights some of the unrealistic sequencing issues that Chimpazilla touched on.

Conversely, everything from 2:44 to the end of the song is just splendid, and provides a really gorgeous climax that shows your true potential as an arranger. The soundscape is full and the arrangement really feels like it hits its stride. I can't say enough good things about that last section! :)

The rest of the track just doesn't seem to be living up to that level of quality and I think you could take another pass at the first 2 and a half minutes of the track, improving the sequencing and also adding more "ear-candy" to bring those parts up to par. Tough call, you do have a lovely track here but I think there's enough room for improvement that I feel comfortable sending this one back for revisions.

NO (resubmit please!)

  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2015/02/19 - (2N) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Tales of a Mare'
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