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I thought this was rather awesome; BONKERS' arrangements are always complex, so analysis appreciated!





Your ReMixer name: BONKERS
        Your real name: Nicholas Steven Perry
        Your email 
        Your website:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1310105117
        Your userid:31818
        Submission Information
        Name of game(s) arranged:  Mega Man X4
        Name of arrangement: "Into The Rebellion!"
        Name of individual song(s) arranged:  Overseas  game instro,Stage Select, Opening Stage X
        Link to the original soundtrack:  http://youtu.be/X3YFjBID83o http://youtu.be/EceE4uc3DeU  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJolkUasFgo
        Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc:

 Well here is something I never thought I would do. I never felt like the track was of quality enough, was too medleyitis(tits)... maybe something I was even embarrassed about...  You see, given recent work I have now worked on this ONE song on and off again for nearly 6 years. 6 damn years. It's almost insanemous to think about.

Something positive you might say to me;"Yo BONK, u sure is having somma dat poesiztenze thingamagoob ta work on duh sungz fahr ma so long!"  I guess? I don't know. I mean, here's the original first version from August of 2009 from Dwelling of Duels > (WARNING IS MUCH LOUDNESS. TURN VOLS DURHN)  It's hard to go back and listen to this, I mean. Uh. Sorry, i'm sitting here in my chair listening to this and find my self mumbling in my mind, or rather stumbling? Man I sure ask a lot of questions.  Maybe it's persistence? Consistently wanting to better myself? Being a perfectionist? Wanting to prove myself? My love of Mega Man X4 and wanting to do it justice? Maybe it is all of it.

I can still remember as a kid going into Blockbuster video and seeing MMX4 and just having this weird draw to the boxart. I was 6 at the time, and it certainly wasn't my first Mega Man game(IIRC, I had played 2-5 and X1 at that point) but something about it just felt right. So perfect. ESPECIALLY THE MUSIC. I had never heard anything even remotely like the kind of crazy sound combinations and production Toshiyuki Horiyama had come up with and put together in song. And at the same time, so utterly fitting of the game. I never was very good at it at the time, I think I could make it to Iris by piggybacking off my brother playing maybe? It's hard to remember.

A large part of why I am subbing it now I also suppose is because after the fact when MR came out, the more I listened to it. The more gigantic problems and mistakes (Horrible decisions)I could hear, the worse it would sound with each listen. The urge to maybe someday just remake it from scratch all together again and make it sound far more balanced, more natural, better in every way.  "Maybe then I can sub it and hopefully my medley tits can be forgiven?"

Well at some point in the last month few months(Jan-Feb/2015), I just had the itch, the burn. The URGE to just maybe,play around with it when i'm bored after work here and there?
 (V) ;,,; (V) Why not Zoidberg?

MAY 2015 EDIT: There was originally a wall of text and babbling and shit here. Man I don't know! I'm too tired and embarrassed or something. I hope people can hear all of the attention to detail and love that went into this. Although a large portion of problems with the structure remain and I am unable to fix problems innate to problems with my instruments and old recordings. (Ex:  The Bass guitar used in this is a piece of shit 200$ starter guitar that needs to be retired). I feel maybe it's finally good enough to do Mr.Horiyama's music some decent justice.

ALSO: I didn't proofread any of this, so it probably is a bunch of gibberish.

And the V1MP3 sucks! Download (And put up a link to please if you would) the FLAC Here >

If it's passable but needs adjustments, please let me know. Constructive criticism is very welcome.
(V) ;,,; (V)

Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 3 months later...

Awesome arrangement.  Some sections do indeed feel slightly medley-ish, but in general this feels like a single arrangement.  I'm very familiar with the sources, as any megaman geek would, and I think the sources are well represented.  The arrangement is incredibly high energy but also knows when to calm down for a while as to not tire the listener.

My main issue here is the production.  The mix is muddy and badly eq'd.  I loaded the mix on my DAW and did some eq'ing and adjustments and found out that it's very easy to fix this so Nick, please contact me about it.  It's not only an eq problem though, as the different elements feel cluttered together and the overall mix needs clarity and separation.  I couldn't test this myself because I would need access to stems and the like, so my only recommendation there is to try to bus your different elements together and eq them separately to try and get a cleaner mix.

You have a rockin' arrangement here, but needs work on the production side.

NO (resubmit)

  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2015/05/20 - (1N) Mega Man X4 'Into the Rebellion!'
On 12/4/2015 at 9:07 AM, djpretzel said:

"Maybe then I can sub it and hopefully my medley tits can be forgiven?"

Good ole' medley tits.

That being said, I'm going to agree with Mr. Nuts here that the entire track sounds pretty muddy and very busy. Definitely some EQ work to get parts a bit clearer and have the leads come out a bit stronger. I do think that this suffers a bit from medley tits (going to call it that for the rest of this judgement). The transition specifically at 1:28 sounds a bit rough, though I felt the rest felt more natural. Overall, I think if anything maybe removing the select stage part of the mix will let the other two sources flow a bit better together?

I'd really like you to keep working on this, the arrangement has a ton of energy and I love how driving it is. The percussion is really varied and works super well with the track. Send this back!

NO (resubmit)


Not much more needs to be said here. The strongest point is definitely the energy of the arrangement, lots of awesome sections, most of them flowing really well. I have to agree about the 1:28 section sounding slightly out of place, though. But the real dealbreaker is the production, which is muddy and unclear during the whole track. IMO, just a production fix should be enough to bring this over the bar, but I do recommend trying to improve the blending of the themes at the select stage portion.

I know it can be difficult to keep working on a track for so long, but please keep at it, this has definitely plenty of awesome! :)

NO (resubmit)

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