The Mute Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 .mp3: Or: And if that doesn't work for whatever reason: ------------------------------------------------- After a two year hiatus, except being the occasional fly on the wall, I've decided to post something new. Woo. Alright, first off, this isn't exactly a sonata. (I was strapped for a title at the time so I grabbed the first music-related word in my head. Suggestions welcome.) It is, however, a piano piece of sorts with some bass and lame choir sounding stuff thrown in. The song is from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, namely, the Windmill Hut theme/Song of Storms. And let me say, I apologize for my bad timing. I've seen this same song used about three times in the last handful of posts. Purely coincidental, I assure you. In fact, I tried to wait for some of those to get buried before I did this. Ya can't win sometimes. I'll be honest, I'm not very much inclined to change anything at this point. I just want some straight opinions to mull over. Thanks guys, and it's good to be back BTW. Quote
kamoh Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 Production level = A+...sounds totally live. Listening through, I can't find any production or composition errors whatsoever. I am worried, however, that it might not be an original enough composition (but I doubt that highly). When the low bass notes (i.e. James Bond bassline) come in, you may consider different note choice (the 2nd and 4th of each phrase do not sound in place and are forced to resolve at 3rd and 5th). The dissonance of the countermelody starting at 3:50 or so is fantastic. --- Honestly, I have no constructive criticism that I think should keep you from submitting this. While it might not get OCR'ed because of what it is (a piano mix), it's a fantastic example of the genre. Great work. Submit. Quote
ocremixfan Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 awesome I was listening and thought that it was going to be calm and almost "boring" all the way through... until the rises at 3:10, 3:38 and 4:10! wow! it really got my attention! the thunder by the ending... perfect! I listen only to mixes from games that I've played, and I never played zelda... but the title of this one forced me to listen to it... and I'm grateful! you really have a superb mix in here! do what you think it's needed! I cannot help you at all to make it better! btw, just one thing: can you give an alternate link? anyone that does not require an account to download... Quote
The Mute Posted September 18, 2006 Author Posted September 18, 2006 Thanks to both of you! I posted this in another far less reputable Zelda forum to get some responses and they didn't seem to have anything to offer up. So I appreciate your suggestions and any that are to come. ocremixfan said: btw, just one thing: can you give an alternate link? anyone that does not require an account to download... You know what? I'm a lamer because I forgot I can totally do that... which is probably what I should have done in the first place. Oops, eh? Here we go: Quote
SSB Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 I like the way it sounds, but it's FAR too repetitive throughout the first half and takes far too long to build. Needs more variation, more harmony, less of the same but repeating so much. I would like to know what choir sound you used there, though, if you wouldn't mind sharing. Quote
Robotaki Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 It sounds like a regualr Choir Ahh sf2 with the 5khz - 8khz range turned down. Pretty neat arrangement. I have to agree it does get repetitive, but I'm a sucker for soft ambience so...yeah, I dig! Quote
The Mute Posted September 19, 2006 Author Posted September 19, 2006 Firstly, I'll say that the choir .sf2 I used was just something I found on the net. Where that was is beyond me. Although I suppose I could share a copy if anyone so wished. I'm not sure how large it is. I'd have to look. SSB said: I like the way it sounds, but it's FAR too repetitive throughout the first half and takes far too long to build. Have you ever watched a storm move in? Personally, that's the feeling I had which dictated the length, then the sudden build to climax and finally the petering out toward the end. But I can see where you're coming from. Thanks. SSB said: Needs more variation, more harmony, less of the same but repeating so much. I think the repetition is deceptive, especially when considering the original. Harmony isn't exactly implied by a storm. I actually wanted a bit of 'cohesive chaos', if that makes any sense. Robotaki said: I have to agree it does get repetitive, but I'm a sucker for soft ambience so...yeah, I dig! Thank ya. I was aiming for a sort of ambience when I first envisioned this. Glad to see I must have retained at least some of that feeling from the first few versions. Quote
Xuande Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Nah, the introduction is fantastic It feels like it should be slow, and it's a lovely ambient start, rolling into the rest of the song. This is good stuff, and I can't find any flaws in it at all. You ever thought about having a striking piano take on the Bolero of Fire? Quote
ocremixfan Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 I also thought about the slow beginning, but if it gets sped up, it will lose all this "storm progression" feeling... so I don't even mentioned! oh! a little suggestion: raise the master volume of your mix! I have to raise my system volume to be able to hear your mix properly... and later I throw away my phones as the next mix starts, punching my ears! Adjust it according to the other OCR mixes! Quote
electric concerto Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Yes master volumn needs to come up a bit... Oh boy... where to start... First off, kudos for a very beautiful remix, with all the real sounding instruments! What was all this talk about repeatitivity? SoS is a whole 23 notes, Mute used 100s. The sound may have SOUNDED repeatitive, but technically was most definently not... It is manipulative, though... For a while I kept looking out the window... Lets just say that's some real sounding rain! Damn, where have the minutes gone? for a song EXACTLY 5 minutes long, I enjoyed it a lot! .... but they are right about needing VARIATIONS of the original... a little SoS, a little original... try some variation, it does a body good! Quote
The Mute Posted September 19, 2006 Author Posted September 19, 2006 Yeah, I know about the volume thing. It always does that for some reason even though I swear I've got everything turned up. Meh. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try again... or run it through another program to amplify it somehow. Having the next song blare in my ears is a real hassle for me too. So I'm very sorry for assaulting your eardrums! Xuande said: You ever thought about having a striking piano take on the Bolero of Fire? You know, it's funny because I was trying to tie that theme and some others into this piece. Then I realized I was straying from my original ideas. But maybe as another piece later on, I could try it. electric concerto said: First off, kudos for a very beautiful remix, with all the real sounding instruments! And I looked so very hard for that damn piano! electric concerto said: What was all this talk about repeatitivity? SoS is a whole 23 notes, Mute used 100s. The sound may have SOUNDED repeatitive, but technically was most definently not... Didn't I say that? electric concerto said: .... but they are right about needing VARIATIONS of the original... a little SoS, a little original... try some variation, it does a body good! I know you all keep saying this, but what constitutes a true variation? That whole little melody running in the background was completely my idea as was the bass line, 1:12 to about 3:10 is aaall miiine. Granted, everything is based pretty strongly on the original, but it is different. Then, I take all that and tie it back together with the Song of Storms at the end with some little embellishments here and there. You're killin' me smalls! Maybe the better question to ask would be, what would you like to hear? Quote
ocremixfan Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 I like to hear what I'm currently listening on your remix! You know, I never heard the original theme, but tune arrangements usually sound better when used throughout the song, not simply as a custom melody carelessly inserted inside the original one... I'm not saying that it's your case, I also can't know that! It's because you said that 1:12-3:10 is aaaaallll yooooooouuuurs, but if you did as I said above, maybe you should pour the original tune around... Maybe it's confusing but it's the best I could do to explain! You did this kickass mix all by yourself until now! You sure know how to progress with it! Quote
The Mute Posted September 19, 2006 Author Posted September 19, 2006 I suppose. *sigh* I did say I wasn't going to change anything really, and truth be told, I love it the way it is. But then I have the habit of being biased because of myself. AH! I dunno. Maybe I'm just too much of a purist to fiddle with the notes... like it was sacreligious or something. Quote
The Mute Posted September 20, 2006 Author Posted September 20, 2006 The volume issue should be solved now. Maybe. I couldn't bump it up any louder without losing quality. And I doubt it's my speakers... they're brand new. Quote
ocremixfan Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 The volume is OK now! thanks! Now I can add it to my OCR playlist safely! Quote
The Mute Posted September 22, 2006 Author Posted September 22, 2006 Yeah but, can't you hear that nasty static when things start to culminate? I haven't been able to work on it today, but I'm going to keep trying to eliminate that. It bugs me to no end! EDIT: Does anybody else think I should turn the volume down on the rain? It seems too loud toward the beginning. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Rain doesn't seem that loud to me, and I can't hear any static...or if I do, I'm mixing it up with the torrents of rain. Very fun listen though, I think it could make it. I think one thing that might be nice is haveing the song start sooner. That 10 seconds of silence at the beggining kindof bugs me. Quote
ocremixfan Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 The rain volume is nice, and also no static (my phones suck, but anyway...) you see... many people said that loved your mix, you like the way it is, and you haven't received major quality complains about it... maybe you should submit this beauty! let the judges do their nothing-but-awesome-can-please-us job. if it gets NO'ed, you'll have some nice tips to work over! Quote
The Mute Posted October 21, 2006 Author Posted October 21, 2006 Again, I must thank you all! I'm glad so many liked this. It's more than I expected, heh heh. I wish all my songs could go over this well! But I can still hear the damn static! GAH! (I really don't think it's my speakers, they're brand new! ) And thanks for the votes of confidence, but I really don't feel I could take submitting this. The judges are cool n'all, but I don't think even one YES is in my future. You'd think as an artist I could take criticism... hm... Quote
Pseudodragon Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 This is a very pleasant piece to listen to. It sounds like more instruments could be added, but alone it sounds very awesome. If you haven't submitted this yet, I don't know what's stopping you. Quote
Pink Mintaka Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 First off, I would just like to say I absolutely love this. The Song of Storms is one of my fav video game songs ever. And I think you pull it off oh so nice in this mix. Second, submit it! I don't see what's really stopping you. The only bad that thing that can happen is it gets rejected and you get advice on how to make it more OCR material. Which isn't all that bad >_>. And if you do decide to submit it, I wish you much luck! EDIT: And as far as static goes, I don't hear anything of the like. Quote
SamuraiFoochs #Reload Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 No static here. Lord almighty this mix is delicious. I'd submit it, personally. Quote
The Mute Posted October 21, 2006 Author Posted October 21, 2006 It's funny really... I listen to the mix on my speakers, everything sounds fine except for one tiny spot around 3:38. If I could fix that one little note, I think I'd be happy. On my headphones, however, it sounds like I'm listening to the music through a wall. The headphones are about $20, so not exactly run of the mill but also not super high-quality. $5 earbuds seem to have the opposite effect. Too much treble goin' on, but the overall sound clarity is awesome. I can hear the bad spot at 3:38 here too. --------------------------------------------------- As for adding other instruments, I had considered using some strings. Unfortunately there are no realistic sounding samples for strings... or at least none that I've happened upon. Fake strings assault my precious eardrums. Again, submitting this isn't my plan because I know I'll be told that there isn't enough going on, that it's too repetitive, my levels are off, etc. (Didn't you know I'm omniscient?) Thanks and all, but I must decline. Quote
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