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Very cool adaptation, there's a lot of cool stuff you can do when adapting a dubstep/electronic song to guitar, and it's really not something you hear often. My first impression was that this played very close to the structure of the source tune, which is true - I would have liked to hear you stray a bit further away from the exact structure of the original song, but there's plenty of original details in the way you adapted certain rhythms from the source to guitar, as well as some of the original lead work. I'd say this is plenty personalized on the arrangement/performance front and actually brings a lot of cool stuff to the table.

With that in mind, this track is actually pretty far along, but there's a few things I'm hearing that are holding it back. The piano sample and supersaw patches you're using are very anemic and does not fit well with the soundscape. Compared to your guitar, those elements lack energy and realism. The drums are similarly low-quality, and possibly could work if they were produced better. However, right now they feel under-compressed and lack presence in the mix - the kick drum especially gets completely buried under the rest of the track when the rhythm guitars are playing.

The overall mastering on this feels quiet to me - you could easily push this a few DB louder and have more impact. 

Right now, the guitar work is really cool and really adds a lot to the source without really deviating much from its structure, but all the auxiliary instrumentation needs some work and the overall mastering could use a second pass.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Cool source, there's not much melodically in there so I was curious about how someone would approach this.  

Your approach is an interesting idea, but the execution is flawed.  The mix sounds hollow and empty despite you having a few instruments going on.  I think the main problem is that you tried to adapt the guitar performances and rock drums to edm elements that inherently try to fill out the whole soundscape.  In your adaptation, the guitar chugs and acoustic drums alone are not enough to get that job done, and the sub bass is being exaggerated in order to try to attain that, but its just muddying out your mix.  The detuned saws sound very distant and not that interesting.

The arrangement isn't too different from the original, following the structure rather closely but I think the new approach you took and some new elements would've made the difference enough.  I definitely think you could infuse the track with more of your own interpretation, although that's not a deal-breaker right now.

Overall, the idea is fine, but needs work to get the production where it needs to be, I hope our pointers can help if you so decide to give it another try.

NO (resubmit)

  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2015/06/21 - (2N) Saints Row IV '4 Saints in a Row'

Not much to add to what the gentlemen have already said. The biggest issue right now is that the other elements of the mix sound really distant and don't have the strength to match the guitar. Along with that are some sections that could be humanized a bit more and overall the track could be louder. 

This does need some work, but I think you have a pretty good grasp on the style adaption and are on the right track overall. Use our WIP boards to get some more feedback!

No (resubmit) 

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