Emunator Posted March 6, 2016 Posted March 6, 2016 My ReMixer name: Yargami. Userid: 28292. E-mail: Game arranged: Megaman Legends. ReMix title: Another Flawless Operation. Original song: We're the Bonnes! I was working on a project one day when I realized that I had accidentally turned my bass line into the Bonnes' theme. After fooling around with the idea for a bit, I decided I would keep working on it. It took me about two months to complete, although I was not working on it steadily the entire time. The title comes from a scene in the Gesselschaft that plays if you leave the game on the title screen for too long. The original quote, spoken by Tiesel Bonne, is "I want another flawless operation, just like the last one!" This was made in SONAR X3 using the following plugins: Dimension Pro, Rapture, East West/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra, Studio Instruments Drum Kit, and z3ta+.
Sir_NutS Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Right off the bat, the orchestral aspects are lacking humanization and their robotic nature is very apparent. Also the bass synth seem very exposed compared to everything else in the first minute. Some elements work better than others, for example the rising strings at 01:46 were subtle but added a lot to the energy buildup. I found the filtered synth to work better in the 1:10 section than when it reappears at 02:05, it doesn't seem to be meshing too well with the orchestral background. The legato strings are overpowering most of the elements of the song and they don't seem to have much subtletly in their performance. The drums seem muffled a lot behind the strings and synths, most of what we hear is the hat shuffle, which seems to be on autopilot since it never stops looping the same pattern. However this arrangement is definitely in the right direction, the source has been transformed effectively, source usage is evident and familiar while also providing a new spin on pretty much every element. The original was a bit goofy but your remix has more of an epic tone. I would like to hear a version with a tighter production. Work on your humanization, try to blend the synth and orchestral elements in your song more naturally, and work on he mix clarity. I would also like to hear a better ending, not a fan of this one. NO (resubmit)
DragonAvenger Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 The Sir has given a lot of great critiques that I think you should really take to heart. I found the arrangement to be a pretty fun take on the original source, but overall the elements don't seem to be working well together. They're not really matters together well and sound like they're in top of one another instead of paying together. Some humanization, rebalancing, and variation will be a good start to get this in the right direction. NO (resubmit)
DaMonz Posted April 24, 2016 Posted April 24, 2016 I have to agree that this requires some work before it can be considered for posting. The concept is good, you have something very nice going, but it definitely lacks a lot of polish. I think the first thing that should be addressed is the looping background hi-hats part. I think you should work on the velocities and on the writing to add some flavor to it, because as it is, it gets stale very quickly. The second biggest issue, in my opinion, is the mix balance. The bass, the drums and the leads don't mesh together well, and I think you should definitely work on that by reviewing their levels, their EQ's and even maybe their sound design. The lack of humanization is also very apparent throughout the entire track, and some polish work there would also help a great deal. And I agree that the current ending is not convincing. I have to say, though, that I really like the direction you've taken for this. I think that if you polish it correctly, it will most probably be a very refreshing take on the original. I hope you will take our feedback into consideration to rework your track. Please keep at it! NO (resubmit)
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