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lets get the the stuff out of the way

name: zerolives

real name: Matthew Knighten

e-mail: zerolives000@yahoo.com

url: don't have one( the files are attached to the e-mail)

user id: i need your help i'm locked out of the system my user name is zerolives but it says my acct. hasn't benn activated so i can't log in and stuff get opinions on the music i write b 4 i submit it please help in that area

game: Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3

original song title: Hydrocity Zone 2

i have also attached the gym file for the original

this zone was my favorite musicly like a jazzy thing was playing i would just play to this level and let the charicter sit and listen to the music

now that i can write a little bit i thought it would be cool to remake this song

but i wanted to make it kinda like a chilledout techno or trance"ish"

but that was a bit more tougher than i thought it would be

there are three parts to the original and i wanted to put all three of them in my song

the layout of the original is 1,2,3 mine is 2,3,1 the 2nd section didn't need a lot of changing but the 3rd and 1st did thats why i started with the 2nd section so the song would be mixed or remixed better it came together ok and i'm pleased i chill out to it

let me know if its the same for you guys thereand what you think i know its a little long i didnt realize it was that long till i cut it to a wav file and played it but i let it write itself to me its worth a listen see if you can hear emotion in it don't know where it came from.

thank you for reading the longest run on sentance in the world i hate grammar

holla back-Matthew Knighten(zerolives)


http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Hydrocity Zone 2"

SEGA vox in the intro was rather cheesy, but the intro was otherwise promising. With 8:17 in the song, you certainly had a lot of time to develop something substantive.

Some generic claps and beetz came in at 1:00 with some delay. Though the keyboard work was rather thin, the writing was interesting. The next section at 1:32 was supposed to get more intense, but the background had 0 meat on it with those basic claps and soft beats. The tempo and energy of the synth writing seemed to dictate something more correspondingly energetic for the background. 2:7 briefly switched the techno beats up into a very flimsy drumkit, again with no meat on it. Sounded like you were playing very lightly next to me in the same room.

"Second phase" vocal may have been cheesy, but the transition there was good anyway. Nice clean arpeggiated synth work at 3:07 along with some bubbly supporting notes, only to be joined once again by those sparse beats/claps at 3:22.

3:49-4:45, the melodic content was really muddy and indistinct. Couldn't tell what you were doing in terms of arranging the melody at all, though form what I heard; it didn't sound anything like Hydrocity, so it may have simply been an original section.

4:45-4:59 kept things original, moving into the "final phase" at 4:59, which also seemingly had little to do with the source tune beyond some really liberal connections to the bridge; I could kind of hear them, but they were pretty far out there. The sounds were just indistinct and imbalanced with no real melodic focus, which is somewhat critical when trying to do a tribute track to a piece of game music. Some overt usage of the Hydrocity melody reappeared at 7:44, almost like lip service to the original after not having it overtly there for three minutes.

Needs better sound balance, less liberal arrangement connections, a more focused and comprehensive arrangement of the source material, and beefier production.


  • 2 weeks later...

One of the longest subs ever recieved that's for sure. Good ideas in this mix, but the production needs some more work to fully realise the ideas.

It took me a little while to catch on to the intro, because it's a completely different rhythm to the original melody. But that's just me. The drumwork was very washy, and reverby without the power (especially in the kick), that it could have had. Pads and other instruments gave a good atmospheric feel, particularly the 'second phase'; although to reiterate, the kick could have used more of a kick, if that makes any sense.

Kick at 5.00 is very quiet - this section is very original, I can hardly hear an hydrocity in there at all. I think overall, a little more recognisable hydrocity, and some more powerful beats would definitely push this in the right direction. I'd love to see a resubmission of this one.

NO Plz resbmit


Hoo boy. Alright, I'm gonna use an unusual analogy for my comments here.

You, my friend, are suffering from a little phenomenon I like to call "diarrhea pen." This mix runs on and on and on with no substance. It's more like a stream of consciousness than a coherent piece. The funny thing is that you actually have more than enough arrangement here; it's the length that makes it seem like there's nothing there, because you've spread your butter too thin.

Ah, but there is an easy solution! Condense what you have. Be selective about which sections you wanna feature, and then go all out with those. Right off the bat your introductory piano parts are extremely exposed, which makes the massive amounts of delay sound tacky. I like the way you added in the harmonies piece by piece, but they need backing support. The same can be said about a lot of places in this mix.

The female vocals are cool, but they'd be much stronger if you incorporated them earlier on, instead of just sorta throwing them in towards the end.

And continuing along with this theme of literary analogy, you know those kids that begin their essays by saying, "Okay, first I'm gonna talk about this, and then we'll move on to this and this..." ? That's how I view your "First stage," "Second stage," "Game over" vox interjections. Come on, do we really need to know that? Cheesy to the max!

Take a look around the site and see how many remixes exceed the seven-minute mark. Very few, huh? Well, there's a reason for that. You'd have to have A LOT going on to keep an arrangement interesting for that amount of time. You shouldn't have too much trouble condensing this down, though, so I hope to hear an update soon.


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