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Remixer name: Madcore.

Real name: Rosmen Alvarez.

Email: madcore@gmail.com

Website: http://madcore.nn45.com

Game remixed: Metal Gear Solid

Song remixed: MGS Main Theme

Remix name: Snake Beater (take on MGS main theme)

Remix link:

This is my first game remix. The main inspiration behind this remix is simply one: How would Metal Gear Solid main theme sound if it were recorded for a commercial movie? After ear some Propeller Heads and Chemical Brothers tunes, I use that hard big beat style mixed with orchestral sounds generated by myself. This is one of my best works, because I only use samples to generate drum loops. All the orchestral sounds, and the rest of sounds, are been generated with softsynths. I hope you like it.


The first thing I noticed about this is that the string sample that opens the mix up isn't constant and so you can hear where it's being looped. The bassline that comes in at 1.03 sounds good, but just a little muddy, especially with the other additions at 1.18 and 1.27.

The beat works very well, although it is just a repeating loop - it would really make the mix more engaging if in sections like 2.44-3.26, where there isn't much going on melodically, the beat was more varied on each bar to keep the groove flowing. I think that this needs a little more work in terms of mixing and processing - I would sound great for the beat to be compressed and sounding nice and tight.

The breakdown was needed and expected, good work there.

Overall, the string patches are not sweet enough imo to be used on their own in an orchestral style. The re-arrangement factor is just enough, although to re-iterate, section 2.44-3.26 could do with some rhythmic mixup to add interest. I really like this idea, very similar to the techno big beat style remixes that have been done of the Mission Impossible and James Bond themes. Needs some more work, but I would love to see a resub of this.

NO Plz resubmit


Metal Gear Solid Original Game Soundtrack - (01) "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme"

Some big beat style; don't hear that too much, so it's a welcome change of pace vs. the usual orchestrated MGS theme arrangements. Good potential.


The beatwork at 1:32 sounded a bit basic for the genre and didn't really work alongside the melody. Not only did it just sounded pasted underneath and didn't integrate with the other material, but the beats repeated over and over and over again. The arrangement of the source was just the usual conservative orchestral take I've heard many a time before.

Finally (I mean finally), the arrangement changed over into something different at 3:58 with a more genteel flavor...before going right back into the cut-and-paste big beats at 4:28. Lame.

Gotta put way more effort into this. Conservative orchestral arrangement + beats underneath ain't cuttin' it.



Okay, Mr. Madcore, what do we have here? (/me opens manilla folder of remix critiques)

You are off to a very good start here, I'd say; there are only a couple production problems that I feel warrant attention. One would be the audible string sample breaks you have towards the beginning, which Malcos already pointed out. If you timed the breaks to fit along with the beat, that would be acceptable, but right now they sound slightly off. The other point that is that your bass entrance at 0:43 is waaaaay too loud, IMO. Other than that, balance and samples sound good!

Now let me guess: zircon's your remixer idol, right? Reason for speculation? This remix follows the exact framework of much of his work, minus a lot of originality and plus a little redundancy. So you've discovered the phat beats- yay! But they rarely change, and considering that the arrangement also rarely changes, that becomes problematic for a six-minute piece.

I don't suggest that you cut down the time, necessarily, but have you ever considered creating some variations on the main theme itself? As it stands, all that changes is the minimal accompaniment. I think the new chord progression that you've applied is overly simplified, and there are some clashing notes in the third chord of that progression as well.

The breakdown at 3:56 is definitely one of the highlights of this mix. That's the sort of creativity you wanna have throughout your arrangement! Hope to hear more from you. :D


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