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Two great, great and greatly under-acknowledged games.

And the "more..."? Why isn't there any klezmer music on this site? Any of my fellow Jews will know exactly what Im talking about.

Anybody else will probably know what I'm talking about from that last sentence :wink: .

Seriously, Klezmer is one of the most beutiful musical forms out there. Accordion, violin, clarinet, and my temple even has two or three guitarists every once in a while.

So, c'mon. Oi, do I need a klezmer mix!


I have to agree, Golden Sun needs more love. It got overlooked for being a handheld RPG, but if it were released on console in flashy 3D we all know it would have been ta major hit.

I just hope the rumours of Camelot getting around to another version/sequel/"remix version for a home" console a true.


OOOH MAMA have I been waiting for a Golden Sun 3. My friends and I had an idea for releasing 2 at once. A DS one, to detail Saturos + Menardi's quest, and a Wii one to continue the main story.

But, yes. All in favor of a Klezmer mix? Yes, then. It must be done.


Niiiice. Still not the same as hearing something new. I smell a live cover. I hope.

Still leaves it all out there. Is it just me, or do all threads in ReQuests fall into 3 categories?:

- Request for music; ignored

- Request for music; ends up off-topic

- Site projects



Pherhaps we should e-mail DJ Pretzel himself? I'm not sure how often Remixers check the request the forum or even listen to the people. But if we can get someone started, maybe then we can get Advance Wars and Golden Sun more reckognition in the music department. I would be more the happy to make my own remixes if I knew how or had the proper tools.

And your right about the music being not as cool as the real thing coming out of your DS/GBA but its damn near close. Sadly, the bass guitar is harder to hear in the Tag Power theme. But, like I said, its still cool.

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