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I'm looking for some help in populating a Google Calendar with notable video game anniversaries for games that have remixes here on OC ReMix. This calendar is meant to be used in conjunction with zapier (an automation tool) that will help us automatically promote game pages on OCR's Discord server and possibly our social media accounts.

Right now OCR doesn't track release dates of games in its database, so I can't ask djpretzel for that data. I need folks to help find release date data and create events on the Calendar in a specific format. I'd prefer to use release dates from the country of origin, so Japanese release dates for games from Japan, North American release dates for many western games, etc.

  • To participate, you need a Google account (i.e. gmail address).
  • The event should be created with a start time of 12:00PM on the day of the anniversary. Multiple events on the same day should be spaced by 15 minutes.
  • The title of the event should be Nth Anniversary of Game.
  • The description of the event should be a link to the game's page on OC ReMix.
  • Here's a sample event.

I think we can focus on 5x Year Anniversaries for now.

Let me know if you'd like to help out and I'll give you access.

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