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Mega Man Legends - To Whom The Serbots Will Serve(Completed)

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Ah yes, another Legends remix...by me (yeah, I've got a few ^^; ). Anyways, this is a metal-ish remix of the "Bonne Siege" track (the part in the game where you're fighting the three Servbots (Kobuns) to get the key that leads to City Hall).

Click here to download.

As I've experienced with "Dashe's Flying Thing," I realize that the soundfonts are of poor-ish quality. Enjoy! ^^

  • 2 weeks later...

There's potential, but I'm not very much of a metalhead.

Some brief comments:

Ditch the opening voices from the game. Annoying.

I'm liking the metal guitaresque sound you've got there beginning at :13'.

The drums sound pretty weak after about a minute. If you can find a stronger sample or somehow give them more power, do so.

The turn in the song at 1:05' is pretty fun.

There's something off about that synth at 2:05'. Try a smoother choice; this one is too abrasive.

The soft piano and chorus section seemed out of place, but maybe that's some type of metal genre issue. I wouldn't know. Hope this helps. Maybe it will force someone else to refute my statements and give you some really useful advice.

  • 2 weeks later...

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