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Final Fantasy 7 'One-Winged Angel' (Crescendo to Chaos)

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I've taken on the rather challenging job of arranging the elusive 'One Winged Angel', as well as several other notable themes from Final Fantasy VII into one big Mathcore/Prog Metal piece, and being satisfied with it to the point I'd like to hear the opinions of other people, I decided to post it here. :)

Now I did not mean this to be an easy listening piece, and yes, the dissonance and the polyrythms serve the purpose of confusing the listener, and IMO do their job well. :lol:

The songs I've used up until this point are:

- One-Winged Angel (obviously)

- J-E-N-O-V-A (the organ solo at the start, as well as the sequence starting at 0:20)

- Opening Theme/Bombing Run (1:53)

- Birth of a God (bassline @ 2:43)

By the way, the church organ intro is just a temporary placeholder until I can come up with a decent intro. :)

This is about 1/3 or 2/5 of the whole mix, so you can expect it to near the 10:00 border in the future 8)

well, enjoy the listening, and do leave some feedback please ;)


i love the sound of general midi, i don't know why. The intro is nice, i mean really nice, then you go into these really bizzare, out of key, most choatic drum thing i have ever heard, you have some really good ideas with this piece, but you really have to fix some of the guitar chords cause a few of them sound really off. the next piece was not so bad tho. Not bad for a first draft though. If you need a bassist for the final, you know where to find me.


I would really love to hear this in all the glory of real instruments, or some really good vsts and real guitar. the arrangement is pretty cool. things are defintely interesting almost right the way through. I'd almost encourage you to stay away from the typical medley approach on this one though and at 2:37, try to come back into one winged angel or something and mix in some other stuff as you go along, but bring it back to one hook and make it a cohesive song rather than jsut reeling off one track after another. There's far far too many final fantasy medleys out there, so make this one different, and it'll be remembered for it.


It seems like the chaotic chords moves by just a bit too slow. Chaos is fast and wild, capitalize on that. Slow discord is for pad building, and that doesn't seem what you want from this arrangement.

Nice change of pace right before the ending.

The drums are nice if you're going for the "Oh lord it's out of control" feeling, otherwise take a look at that section.


Well the polyrhythms and the dissonance is what makes this piece sound chaotic, but believe me, they're all on purpose.

I've actually made two seperate drum tracks so I could have the bass-drums play in a different time signature while the snare and hihats were playing in 4/4 (got that from the band Meshuggah :) ).

In the first part of the piece I just wanted to capture the 'out of control' feeling you get when fighting a really tough boss; at first you're totally dumbstruck by his attacks, but gradually you start to see through his strategy and attacks, and eventually the battle will become easier, and in a similar way, I try to make my piece gradually more accessible and more like a true 'boss-theme'.

Oh, and it will DEFINITELY have real guitar


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