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*NO* Final Fantasy 6 'Ultimate Train Suplex!'

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Remix Name: Ultimate Train Suplex! (The Decisive Battle from Final Fantasy VI)
Mixer Name: iDeceive
Name : Eleazar Garza Molina
Mix Description: FF6 has always been my favorite game of all time, and this boss theme my favorite. I always found this theme to be highly mixable and always wanted to do a mix of it, I thought why not go back to Uematsu basics and make it a headbanger with a bunch of solos with a little violin in the mix as it is my favorite instrument.

It was inevitable for this day to come - a FF6 track named after the suplexing of a train.

This certainly has a few good things going for it - the sequencing is pretty good, and that arrangement really does a good job playing with your expectations. A good example of how to handle precise repetition occurs at 1:11 - 1:30 (a copy/pasta of 0:02 - 0:21): moves just like an earlier section, but then it swerves hard against one's expectations. I preach that there ARE some good uses for copy/pasta, and you present a good example here of doing it right.

The production on this unfortunately buries the good; the master track sounds like there's a heavy compressor and heavy low pass on it. There's virtually no highs that come through on this, and pumping from overcompression sound like it's happening in quite a few places. On top of that, the overall mastering ends up sounding pretty quiet, to boot. The performances, sequencing and even mixing sound acceptable, but it's all hidden underneath some poor production at the end of the day.

I like what you did with the track, since it's something that plays with expectations. I can't justify passing something with this heavy of production issues, though - take off anything on your master track, and redo the lowpasses and compressors that are in this so that the track doesn't sound like it's playing underwater. The fixes aren't trivial, but I think there's something passable under all that. Here's hoping to see this again with some fixes!



Gario really nailed my thoughts on this one.  Good performances and sequencing hampered by the mixing/mastering.  I will add that the transition to the violin break at :44 sounded REALLY awkward.  It either needs to transition smoothly to the new instrumentation or have a more dramatic build/sudden drop IMO. 

Right now it's in this unhappy medium that sounds more like an unfinished section.  Also, while brief, the violin sounds super fakey with the quick note changes - almost like it's trying to sound like a synth stab?  Again, it lands somewhere in the middle ground between realism and intentional stylisic fake and I don't think it's working.

It's a great, creative take on the original and I like the approach.  The deviation in the arrangement in the second half was nice, though it seemed to be wandering in a bit, with just the backing triplets holding down the connections for a while.

It's a solid start, but some more work needed.  Keep it up!

NO resubmit, please

  • Nutritious changed the title to 2017/12/26 - (2N) Final Fantasy 6 'Ultimate Train Suplex!'

Hard to argue with anything those gentlemen said.  Above all else, the EQ is just not doing this arrangement justice.  I actually liked the violin section, although there was too much sizzle to the drum sequencer there.  I'll also add to what Nutritious said, in that the riffing in the last third of the track did get a bit meandering, and it would have been nice if it had tied back into Decisive Battle at the end.

Work on that production and I think you'll have a gem here, but this isn't it yet.

NO (resubmit)

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