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So. I think I want to learn to play the harmonica, but I have no musical know how. So I was wondering if any of you could give me some input...

And I figure since I can I might as well open this to talk about what kind of instruments you play.


I should really get back and practice with my harmonica more. I'm really rusty. Anyways, to play harmonica, you need to learn how to purse your lips so you are only playing through one hole at a time. Or you could try that buisness where you use your tounge to block holes, but I have no idea how to do that. Anyways, once you have figured that out, then the rest is just a matter of practice. Unless you want to do all those pitch bends and stuff, so you can play blues style.

What else do you need to know... oh! There are lots of different types of harmonicas. To start with, most people get a 10-hole diatonic harmonica, which is the "standard" as such. Diatonic Harmonicas are tuned to a major key, usually written on the harmonica itself. The point is, you have to get the right key for the song. This usually depends on who you are playing with, and what style you are playing. If you just want to practice by yourself, a Harmonica tuned to C makes it easier to learn to read sheet music. You can always grab another harmonica later in a different key.

Thats all I got for now. I'm no harmonica genius, but I can bang out a few tunes (or used to be able to... Damn you, lack of time!) Anyways, if you have any specific questions, I'll try to answer them.

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