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*NO* IronSword: Wizards & Warriors 2 "I Can Carry You No Further"

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  • Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors 2
  • I Can Carry You No Further
  • Level 1, Level 2
  • Additional information (has [already] been added to the site)
  • (one of the sound archives already available on the site)
  • This mix was done with acoustic drums, mic'ed with a single overhead as an experiment. No samples reinforcing the kit. Guitars and bass are DI, amp-sim'ed with the freeware LePou LeGion and Audiffex GK Amp 2 LE. These two tracks have a similar feel, but the level one theme had to have a key and time signature change in order to be incorporated with the level 2 theme.



Edited by prophetik music
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2019/09/17 - IronSword: Wizards & Warriors 2 "I Can Carry You No Further"
  • 4 weeks later...

The idea to transform stage 1's music to fit 2 is a fresh approach - treading a delicate tightrope between stylistic adaptation and conservation.  Structurally, the track goes through one run-through of stage 2 with a cameo for stage 1's intro,  then straight into 1 with the same key and time signatures as stage 2.  The harmonics at 2:27 was a great touch to break up the C section's natural monotony, and a great way to demonstrate your performance chops.  The return to stage 2 at 2:53 also was strong with an elaborate drum fill to lead into the theme proper, before going into a variation with tweaks in drum fills and lead harmonies.  The use of stage 1's D section at the ending with the breaks was also sublime and well-executed.  If it's not apparent, I feel like I've gushed at all the writing details - and for that, I see it as a substantial improvement from what I previously heard through your prior Faxanadu mixpost.

Unfortunately, I do have a question to ask - what happened with the mixdown?  The levels are spot on, the performances are tight, and you've cleanly recorded all live instruments - but the audio quality has a fair chunk of buzz, with a critical factor being that it clipped at 0.7dB.  Hence, you mixed the track too loudly, so consider bringing down the volume levels for all of your instruments.  Additionally, the mixdown also feels muddy, making it difficult to hear your more sustained rhythm guitars and your snare - so see if you can adjust your EQs so that you can let your guitars and separate parts of the kit have their own frequency space.

Honestly, the arrangement has a lot to love - but I can't see it getting posted unless the mixdown gets another pass.  I hope you'll be able to take action on this - we haven't had an Ironsword mixpost for 17 years (!), and to see a new one after all this time would be amazing.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2019/09/17 - (1N) IronSword: Wizards & Warriors 2 "I Can Carry You No Further"

I agree with Rexy on pretty much everything here. You've got a super high-energy approach with some badass guitar performances and drum writing... like, I cannot understate how heavy some of these riffs are, but the mixdown is problematic. I'm also picking up clipping all over the place on this track, which absolutely needs to be addressed first off. I'm also wondering what happened with the guitar leads at :11 and 1:26? They sound so buried in the mix, but they are also too distinct and exposed to really pass as a backing element. 

If you're able to fix the clipping and address some of the other latent mixing issues, this would be an easy pass in my book!

NO (resubmit!)

  • Emunator changed the title to 2019/09/17 - (2N) IronSword: Wizards & Warriors 2 "I Can Carry You No Further"
Posted (edited)

rubber-stamping this one. emunator highlighted the problems with the lead guitar in a few places, and i also agree that the mixdown is messy and the clipping needs fixing. sounds like it was done on some closed-ear headphones that are more for listening vs. mixing - there's tons of beef in the middle and much less low end, and the highs are just cymbals. the drums actually sound pretty good considering it was a single mic that handled it all. i think my main complaint is that the guitar volumes seem to be all over the place, and EQ is very mid heavy. it gets quite tiring to listen to pretty fast.

cleaner mix and this is a pass for me.




Edited by prophetik music
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