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Pokemon Trading Card Game - Normal Battle


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I think at some point I stopped looking at this as more of a remaster project and more something I wanted to take to a more remix level. Not really sure what to do though? But I definitely would like to do more with this in the future. It loops once so after the first run through its the same song. If you have any ideas I'd appreciate any feedback!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man, this is great. I listened to the original Gameboy version and you nailed it with the instrumentation choices.

Actually the repetition in this case is justified, it feels right. It takes almost 2 minutes to loop and during the whole time it’s a winding journey that comes back around in a very satisfied way. It’s surprising it takes that long before it loops, it’s not common for GBA games.

In my opinion, the endless looping of older OSTs is a feature, not a bug. Because RAM was limited back in the day, composers couldn’t afford to create unique loops so they got creative and made the most catchiest loops you can imagine. Nobuo Uematsu was a king at this. It creates a certain vintage feel that I personally love. So my first impression is to let it loop. It’s not so repetitive that it needs more variation. Nice work bro


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  • 8 months later...

What a fun track! You're right--that source definitely wanted to be remixed.

Great instruments all around. The drums in particular have a great sound and clarity and keep the whole thing moving. The only thing that really bothered me was the unresolved chord at the end; not sure if you wanted to keep the tension there on purpose or not.

The looping doesn't bother me, but if you did want to mix it up a bit I could see a solo (maybe alto sax? clarinet? marimba?) starting around 2:16. In fact, I don't know if the section at 2:24 necessarily needs to be mirrored at 2:53, except that it does serve to release some tension and keep the track very chill. Maybe a drum break around 3:40 and/or some extra fills here and there? Just throwing out ideas here. It's a great arrangement as-is, and if you want to reinterpret the source a bit more I think there are a lot of options for where/how to do that.

Thank you for sharing!

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5 hours ago, Docjekyll said:

What a fun track! You're right--that source definitely wanted to be remixed.

Great instruments all around. The drums in particular have a great sound and clarity and keep the whole thing moving. The only thing that really bothered me was the unresolved chord at the end; not sure if you wanted to keep the tension there on purpose or not.

The looping doesn't bother me, but if you did want to mix it up a bit I could see a solo (maybe alto sax? clarinet? marimba?) starting around 2:16. In fact, I don't know if the section at 2:24 necessarily needs to be mirrored at 2:53, except that it does serve to release some tension and keep the track very chill. Maybe a drum break around 3:40 and/or some extra fills here and there? Just throwing out ideas here. It's a great arrangement as-is, and if you want to reinterpret the source a bit more I think there are a lot of options for where/how to do that.

Thank you for sharing!

The ending was just me not looping to a fade out...since I had nothing else I wanted to do ?. Ive been trying to come up with ideas on how to make the second loop a bit different but keeping the same DNA mostly. My usual go to is add some vocals, switch up instrument roles a bit and change the color but I don't wanna go thst route this time I think? A drum break or some kinda break would be interesting...maybe a key change if I'm feeling my pop music self haha. If I ever finish it I'll bring it here definitely

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