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There are a lot of Reason users out there who share all their tips, tricks, and rns files with everyone. THANK YOU. Well since I got Reason, I've been able to learn the program fairly quickly due to this.

So, in an attempt to give back something I decided to try and come up with some new trick or something in Reason.

One of my favorite plugins/effects of all time is Native Instruments Spektral Delay. So on my way to work this morning, I went through all the logical steps on how to reproduce this effect in Reason. And well I managed to come up with something.


When you open the combi you'll notice the two vocoders set to EQ mode. Well the signal from the instrument is split to both vocoders. The FX vocoder is then run to whatever effects plugin you wanna use. I used a delay for this example.

Basically, whatever frequencies you wanna add delay to you simply raise one of the bands on the FX labeled vocoder. Also remember to lower the same band in the normal vocoder by an equal or similar amount. So now you can isolate whatever frequencies from the instrument you wanna have delay on.

Of course you can use other effects besides just a delay. In the end, it's still the same signal accept certain frequency bands have whatever effects you wanna throw on them. NI's Spektral Delay does the same exact thing, except only with delay.

Also you can take that main signal after it is run through the combinator and add other effects to it.

Of course you can add and build in as many vocoders as you want and apply a different effect to every single frequency band. Of course that would be crazy.

I haven't tried it yet, but using SGX's reverb modulation trick on isolated frequencies would be pretty sick.

Hopefully I'll come up with some other crazy stuff. If anyone has any type of big $$$ vst effects plugins they wanna try and emulate in Reason, give me a description and maybe I can come up with something.


...wow, thats pretty cool. I'm away from the house so I can't test it out but your description sounds fantastic. As for other effects...there is one that'd be cool, a z-plane filter. Basically, instead of just the frequency and resonance modulating the filter type modulates as well, although I'm not sure its possible as well as the filter types go from 100% to 0% but if you can pull it off you'll be the man to say the least.


Well I got something that is close. It is almost done, I'm just trying to enhance the features of this massive combi.

I should be able to post tomorrow. It will involve some manual drawing of the automation though, but with Reason you can create the automation "loops" so to speak and then just copy and paste down the line.

So who knows how accurate or not this will follow the sound reproduction. I am following the logic from the Morpheus which was the original synth that used z-plane filtering.


OMG triple post...

RNS: http://swallace21.googlepages.com/SpektralZRePassFilter.rns

Combi: http://swallace21.googlepages.com/SpektralZRePassSynthesizer.cmb

The reason it's called "Spektral" is because you can draw in on the vocoder the exact "filter" type you want each part to be.

I suggest looking at the RNS file, I threw is some random high and lows so you guys can hear what it sounds like.

Basically here's the flow:

1. Analog Synth

2. Analog Synth Split into two channels. One channel it is layered with OSCA and the other it is layered with OSCB.

3. Each channel is sent to a basic filter on the Malstrom.

4. Each channel is then sent to a vocoder set as an EQ. This is where you draw in your filters.

5. Each filter is sent to it's own channel in the mixer. The volume levels are then automated as fast as Reason can allow.

6. Then both channels are combined and sent to the maximizer and the the stereo imagager.

*make sure the stereo imager is set to the max on spread.

*steps 4-5 emulates the Z filter

*in the original Morpheus hardware synth a basic LP filter was applied at stage 3. But you can do whatever you want.

I basically used Reason to copy the original Z-Type synthesizer called 'Morpheus'. I've only used the Reason for less than a month, but in reading descriptions about Z-Type Synthesis in general they mentioned adding in some LFO's and Auxiliary Envelopes. Honestly I have no idea on how to do Aux Envelopes in Reason. But as soon as I do, I can rewire this combi to feature that.

Hope some of you guys n gals get some use outta this. Any other crazy shite you can think of trying emulate?

EDIT: Putting a Unison between the main signal and the maximizer in the combi is def another way to boost the sound quality. Also putting a Chorus/Flanger on each of the seperate signals before they reach the vocoder, to apply varrying amounts of LFO and give you some crazy results.


No prob dude. Using a unison and different effects in different places in that combi really beef up the sound.

I was browsing the web for Reason stuff, and I came across a page full of free Refills made this dude who I believe made some of the factory presets for Reason 3.0.


(would a mod maybe/please rename the title of the thread to "Reason Combis and Refills" the current title of the thread is a lil misleading as to what the content of the thread contains now, thanks!)


Avaris, I'm sure you can edit it yourself can't you? You just edit your initial post and within that you can change the title of the topic can't you?

By the way, thanks a LOT for the Reason stuff, I work mainly in Reason 3 and this comes as a MAJOR help to me, especially all these tasty free Re-Fills ;):D


  • 2 weeks later...

so, do you think you could figure out how to make some sort of trancechorder type sound? The closes thing I can think of is the Transcorder Preset on the sytrus. (usuaslly comes in FL I think?)

I would really like something like this in reason, and I havent really had time to try and figure it out.

  • 4 months later...

my question to you is, what version of Reason are you running? I'm using 3.0, and have not been able to open a single of these files due to bad format. Combi patch and RNS file. let me know, id like to see how you recreated the zplane proteus x filter effect. quite cool.


Thanks for the interest dude. I use Reason 3.04 on a PC.

Here's the link again


Instead drawing in the lines manually on the arrangemenet page you could use a Matrix running at full speed alternating between 0 and 127 CV. Then invert one of the CV signals. That way you can get the volume levels alternating back n forth without having to draw in the lines.

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