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This is my submission.

Link to my submission : 

Re Mixer : Onirik Dreamer
real name : Karim Ajroud
email : 
website : https://onirikdreamer.com   
Link of vidéoclip : 
user id : 38210

Name of game arranged : Metroid (Nintendo Nes)
Name of original track : main theme (Hirokazu Tanaka credited as Hip Tanaka)
Name of my track : Samus legend
Additional information about game : Nintendo (1986)
Link to the original soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-U3sVX2G3w
Your own comments about the mix : I love this piece and I wanted to add electronic and dynamic, cool and energic touch to it, i hope you like it.


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 3 weeks later...

fade-in to start. tempo is up a bit, and the intro hits are adapted to fit into a 4x4 beat. the galaxy theme comes in right away after that, and the hit at 0:57 is the first real instance of the melodic content in a row. it's pretty straightforward, and there's some overlap of synths so it's a little tough to hear what's going on where. there's also no real pad in the middle - there's the higher string synth with the melodic material, and the bass and drums under. this changes at 1:44 for a bit, and then there's a tempo change to fit the three-note motif.

this picks back up again, and bounces its way through the galaxy theme in a straightforward manner again. there's not much difference from this section and what was happening earlier, to the point i'd call this second section a copy/paste of the earlier section around 1:15 to 1:55. there's a fadeout with the three-note motif and that's it.

this is a neat idea! the B material in the original has always been an interesting one, since most people tend to focus on the initial hits of the theme. i like the bouncier, string-based approach here. there's just not much interpretation yet. adding in some more material or moving things around to better fit your vision will let the best parts of the track be what you've added, rather than just the original with some new synths. right now it's too conservative of an arrangement, and the synth choices are a bit homogenous and boring.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2023/08/17 - (1N) Metroid "Samus Legend"
  • 3 weeks later...

I have to agree. It's very conservative, basically swapping the chiptunes for some basic synths and adding a beat.  The two loops are identical after a few seconds in.  You've added some fun energy to the source material, but we're looking for remixes that are more transformative and sophisticated.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/08/17 - (2N) Metroid "Samus Legend"

Opens with some decent heft, although the lead synth sounds kind of flimsy, then gradually gets steamrolled by the rising volume of the beat from :24 until :36. Machine-gun beats from :51-:53 didn't sound good. After the transition at :55, the countermelody sounds off-key for every 3rd and 4th bar per measure until changing the writing at 1:43 (and not from 1:22-1:26). Slight slowdown leading into 1:58 transitioning back to the source's intro. From 1:11-1:43, the more sustained string-like synth leads sound somewhat shrill and locked to grid, which undermined the flow of the piece.

Yipes, that sweep from 2:05-2:20 started off so abrasive; save my old man ears! Aw man, back to the off-key countermelodic writing from 2:29-3:01; this stuff is relatively minor, but it's there enough that it becomes a dealbreaker because of how often it's there.

proph and MW are saying the piece isn't transformative enough. I don't mind what's here being melodically conservative as long as there are enough aspects of interpretive arrangement involved. To me, this is going well in the right direction with beefed up textures and additive writing compared to the 8-bit original. To me, this is a reasonable sound upgrade with some additional ideas, but just needs further development and variation (along with rewriting the clashing countermelody mentioned before). Good potential here on this one as well, Karim.

Once again (same as your Tetris piece), keep developing this, and don't submit it again until after you get feedback from either the Post Your Game ReMixes forum or the #workshop channel in the OCR Discord server. This one is also a strong foundation, Karim; I would hope that you're not discouraged by this rejection as much as enthused by the positive comments.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Metroid "Samus Legend"
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