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*NO* Beatmania 2DX 7th Style 'Traces (Tracing the Noize Mix)' *RESUB*

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LT Edit - Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4706

Remixer Name: DJ SymBiotiX

Real Name: Fernando Chorney

E-mail: djsbx@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.djsbx.com

User ID: 42156

Game ReMixed: Beatmania IIDX 7th Style

Song Remixed: Traces

Info: Traces (made by Taku Sakakibara) is one of the songs solely created for the IIDX series. This game is for the PS2, as well as arcade. (Wasn’t sure which to place it on, so I just placed it on ps2, if I was wrong please correct it)

Link to original song: (This is the short arcade/ps2 version, I couldn’t find the long version for some reason <_<) http://www.djsbx.com/othermusic/traces.mp3

Link to ReMix: http://www.djsbx.com/othermusic/Traces_Tracing_The_Noize_Mix.mp3

(I would like to request that you keep both links available for people to see. thanks)

Comments: Alright, well as you know, this is a RESUB. The second I saw the previous judging, I started working on this right away, because I thought it had a lot of potential.

First off, I completely changed up the drum samples, and the drum patterns. The drums don’t change as often, because well sometimes I think I get to crazy with changing drum patterns, when one will do just fine. (I especially like the drums at the end ^_^)

I did a bit of change to some of the instruments, but they are mostly the same (fixing some EQ and emptiness problems, and putting on different effects etc.).

Oh right… I also added BASS to the second part of the song lol. You guys were right, I somehow just completely missed that, but now that its there, it sounds so much better.

I also worked a lot on mastering this track. I must have went though it on head phones and speakers over 20 times. Tweeking EQ’s and volumes here and there each time. The speed up after the slow part increments in single BPM increments as to make it more smooth.

Oh yea, just so you know. My synth pad progression in the beginning was heavily inspired by TaQ’s Stromatalite stuff.

I’m really hoping that you guys like my synth choices this time, and that everything sounds full and huge. I have added an actual ending to this one as well, instead of a fade out, which I think does sound better. I’m not all too sure if I got enough mid range stuff in here, but I tried. I think I have a full sound scape now, but I guess you guys will be the judge of that ^_^.

One last thing. If it actually makes it this time, PM me about changing the name or something. I think the name should be something other than what it is, like a new name instead of Tracing The Noize Mix.

- Enjoy

DJ SymBiotiX


Ok, this is very loud indeed. The only problem I have here is the mastering, I think it's way too loud, and all the life has been squeezed out of it. It's also clipping all over the place. Perhaps you could get a fresh set of ears to master this for you, or don't listen to it for 3 days then come back to it. I'd definitely like to see other judges opinions on this.



beatmania IIDX 7th style Original Soundtrack - (29) "traces"

Sorry Fernando, I'm still liking the potential, but it's still not yet realized. Can't wait until your sound design matches the ambitiousness of your arrangements.

With this overhaul, the track's unfortunately left feeling very empty in the background and overly loud in the front, moreso than the first submission, IMO. I voted with "refine/resubmit" meaning that there definitely didn't need to be an overhaul of the approach, but rather some tweaks to make it passable.

The arrangement is still good, but the sounds still lack meat and depth despite all the changes. You need something to fill out the background more effectively, and your sounds still need to be toned down in volume as well as balanced more effectively against each other. Perhaps hound zircon for advice. :-D

NO (refine/resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

While this is a pretty cool track, as was your first submission, it leaves a couple issues to be addressed. All in all, I like the track fairly well, overall, so long as I overlook a few minor gripes. Before I get into those, I will say that I was a little surprised by this resub in comparison to your first version. I did get to hear some of this back when it was on the WIP board, and I wish to death I'd had time to get back to you with a little more input, but unfortunately, real-world demands coupled with the desire to balance my own music (not to mention making time to effectively judge submissions and contribute meaningful input) takes more time than i have to offer much of the time, so I regret not being able to say much more to you during the WIP and tweaking phase.

Anyway, back on track, the reason I was surprised is because really, the only thing I personally felt held back the first mix was the lack of bass frequencies in the 2nd half of the track. Seems you've more or less completely revamped this one. Kind of a two-edged sword, because while this is indeed very cool, it also unintentionally brings with it more areas to critique. My main gripe seems to be in the balance, or perhaps off-balance in the soundscape. The best way I can figure out to elaborate on what exactly I mean by that is that the mix tends to show a little bias towards the high end, and it comes across as slightly abrasive. I hear where you've added a bass of sorts in the 2nd half, but rather unfortunately, it still seems suppressed by the top-heavy piano.

After reading Larry's vote, I've had a reaffirmation that Larry is possibly the panel's greatest asset, because he just knows what he's talking about, despite the fact that he's a "non-remixer judge".

The arrangement is still good, but the sounds still lack meat and depth despite all the changes. You need something to fill out the background more effectively, and your sounds still need to be toned down in volume as well as balanced more effectively against each other.
With this overhaul, the track's unfortunately left feeling very empty in the background and overly loud in the front, moreso than the first submission, IMO.

Definitely couldn't agree more. And I also agree that while I can confidently say that I like this version just as I liked the first version, I don't feel like you needed the overhaul, just some minor tweaks. I feel the same way about this version. Mainly tweak the EQ and volume of your leads, and possibly go with a slightly fatter, deeper bass instrument to support the louder sections so they don't get so top-heavy.

Great stuff, and this is almost a solid green for the front page, but just apply some minor tweaks here and there. Main thing, is don't get discouraged just because this is the 2nd NO. I'd hate to see this one fall when it's within arm's length.

NO *SLIGHT* tweaks and resubmit, please

I'm going to leave this one open, and see if I can't get Andy to offer some input, seeing as he's one of the big electronica buffs on the panel, as well as a very talented and knowledgeable artist within the genre.


Frankly... not a fan of the original. It's so basic with such a simple chord progression and minimal melody that I imagine it's hard NOT to do a great arrangement of it.

So, for this mix, let's see. The intro is pretty long but it works. Some BT/sgx-style stuttering and ambiance going on as well as quotes from the melody. :51 is kind of awkward as there's no bass or lower pad to reinforce the chord, just feels meandering. Once the big detuned pad fades, though, things pick up. I found the transition at 1:22 to be awkward. It should have been bigger and heavier somehow, but I just wasn't hearing much of a volume difference. I don't think the mix is overly LOUD, but overcompressed? Yes. Go easier on the compression so the dynamics are more audible. As the mix goes on, I think several of the other judges nailed it. There is a tone of stuff squashed into the foreground, taking up the mids to high-mids. But what about the rest of the frequencies? The lows and low-mids are unloved and the whole thing sounds a LITTLE on the dull side.

3:08 is a nice breakdown but it's a little too minimal, and when the beat comes back in, it comes in a little too loud. Again, the overcompression removes the dynamics. The section that follows is cool in theory but some of the notes + chords wander around too much. Ground yourself to the original more there and I think it will work better. Then, more loud stuff and a closeout. Alright.

I think there is a ton of good sound design going on here. But there are a few big issues. One is the lack of dynamics - too much compression. Another is that the frequency balance is off, to the point where it is just fatiguing to listen to. Additionally, a lot of the original additions stray far from the original to the point where I do not think they are adding much. Try slimming down the mix by about a minute or so. It will probably feel more cohesive as a result.

Mixes can be really loud and still be musical & non-fatiguing. It is very hard to do, and you need high end gear. Instead of trying to max it out, just go easier on the volume. Even dropping the compression by 5db or so will not make this mix too quiet. We can turn up our volume knobs to compensate; we can't turn them down to make up for lack of dynamics.


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