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OCR04683 - Balatro "Upping the Ante"

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  • 2 months later...

I said in the review that I didn't know how the original music managed to get so much mileage with the single song it has, but that isn't true anymore. Apparently the music is made up of different cells that come in and out of play depending on what you're doing in the game. In the shop? High-passed instruments to keep it subtle. Buying planet cards? Bring in the pads enriching the harmony and pull back the leads. There's almost no real "official" version of the song in the game because of how often it adjusts itself to fit the mood of the game.

Just some cool little information about the game that was brought to my attention after my judgment, so I figured y'all would appreciate it. Very cool dynamic OST for Balatro (and cool ReMix, too, but y'all already know I like this one).

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