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hope it don't offend no one ;)











i picked 10 tunes from the trashpile that's accumulated over the last year. some are a year old, some a week.

i find these fun or funny. couldn't finish shit but hey it's *something*. ohey track 6 is finished kinda. i did that one week ago as a daily challenge thing.

my soundcloud is nearly full so ty djp for da bandwidth!



dude! track two speaks to me in a very specific language that i don't understand but love to hear

and track 7 makes me feel like i'm casually climbing to the top of the outer wall in cave story

track 9 belongs in earthbound :]

the manic energy in the last track feels like a warm coat on a cool autumn day

i'm digging all of your recent work man


Dude! Great Feedback!

I'm Happy you Like #2 (NPI), because i think it's the strongest of the brunch. Very simple composition, but i Simply havent Heard It B4.

#7 i started same day as #6, and wrote a bit Fürther next day. A sorta 3 synths + Drums challenge Thing. Never played cave Story For more than One hour, but your "outer Wall" comment Sounds so mysteriös, i feel Like there's some serious MV quality i missed. Eh, mby this year!

I honestly think Out of These 10 Trax #4 belonx in EB! 

I think the beautiful Thing you say about #10, like the warm coat, that's partly this wonderful MKII EP that i can't play over Here becaus CPU will Just die. New plugin. 

But the rest Is a beatsliced drumloop and a sega Genesis emu.

Hm, i could actually run this here. I could do One single instance of a CPU chewing plug and do the rest lofi.

But i tend to not do that 'cause when i set up a system, i try to give It the Instruments It can run easily. It's a bit OCD...

You see i'm kinda techy minded RN.

FL setup on new PC Is Always techy work!

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