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All right, being the moderately old guy I am (well, 25 anyhow) I wanna make a request that takes us back to the old SCUMM (well, actually, the first of) games from Lucasarts. One thing I've never been able to find was new arrangements and remixes of the music from Loom. Dunno how many people here know what Loom is, much less have played it.


It had some of the greatest pieces I've heard in games, and they've stuck with me since I originally played the game back in 1990. Just nice work, but it really did suffer from the fact that PC music wasn't exceptional at the time, and frankly, a lot of comps weren't even sold with speakers at all (loom actually required you to order a separate disk originally to get roland support) O_o Anyway here's to hoping someone takes some interest in this.


Abandonia has some music from the game. Personally, I think that The Opening theme and "Hetchel and the Elders" are two of the most musically defining pieces.


The audio drama is also worth listening to. Man, I've still got that on tape. I love me some retro gaming ;P



I'm quite certain that only segments of those pieces (can only remember swan lake of hand) were worked into the score. And yeah, that sword was annoying since I originally played in on an old 386 w/o a mouse...trying to click over to the sword from the conversation in time was kinda lol.

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