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For the record, the title is a Beatles reference :P

Anyway, this is a track I finished just recently. I've been incredibly busy musically (and otherwise, but that's irrelevant), mostly creating soundtracks for the Game Creation Society here, and this one is no exception - hence, the chip-ish element(s) are there mostly because the developer asked me for them. However, since these games are non-commercial, I figure I can still call the soundtracks my own property/copyright :P if anything comes up I'll work it out with the developer, anyway.


Genre-wise, I have absolutely no clue. So listen, and inform me with your criticisms! I didn't spend much time tweaking the mastering on this one, so if you think it's over-compressed or anything be sure to point it out (it's hard for me to tell).

There's plenty more where this came from. I've been working in all kinds of different genres and styles - and I've got a lot more I want to try ASAP :D these days I feel like I have so much room to improve.. it's very liberating.

Anyway, thanks!


Thanks, -RK-; I appreciate your kind appraisal! I know what you mean about the sidescroller thing - it definitely is very melody-driven. I actually got alot of my inspiration from anime opening/closing songs, especially in terms of the guitar (if only I could play guitar =P - I've been picking it up slowly, but I almost resent it for making me jump through all these hoops when a keyboard accepts my ideas and outputs music without any complaint - like a keyboard is an obedient, loving dog and a guitar is a surly cat with an overblown sense of entitlement).

I do think it could use a bit more bass content, though - the whole production feels a little top/mid-heavy and floaty when I compare it to tracks of other artists and even other recent tracks by myself. Not sure if it's even worth the effort to go back in and change it, though - I do agree that it sounds pretty good as is! Thanks again for the comment.


Hmmm... I actually think this song is fine on the bass, I've actually thought too many artists (including myself) are going a bit TOO heavy on the bass end of things, so I actually really liked your bass.

If you still want to add a tad more bass to the mix, besides a slight boost on the current bass sound, you could try a more prominent kick drum. I can see why you wouldn't want too heavy a kick, this song doesn't really call for it that much, but even adding a bit more punch and presence on the kick might fill out the soundfeild more.

Just an idea. Really great work though.:)


Yeah I def agree about the sweat melodies, and that the res on the lead can get to a be a lil much later in the song. Still some really impressive composition using chip tunes. Rythms really give the song an xtra layer of sonic goodness. The bass is a lil thin compared to normal songs like RK said, but I def think it's fine the way it is.


I'm always impressed by the tones you create electronically, especially when you venture into darker tones. Strings slip in somewhere in this piece, if just for two chords, and there's an area toward the end of the song that does something interesting.

The rest of the piece is good, though not so much catchy, which might be helpful for a chip-tunish-composition. Otherwise, it's Kirby meets Megaman.

Good work, as always. Good to see you around (not that I've been around much myself).


I feel like raving, with lots of j-poppy japanese girls! Goddamn love that rhodes part at 1:30, got the groove going.

The mastering is good, I recognise that kit though and never really liked the kick to it, very flat and dry. My only recomendation would be to back the kick with another sample or lace the kit with a parametric EQ, but thats just picky.

Haven't heard of you in a while rellik, good to see you still working hard. Game soundtrack work rocks :D.

edit - Damn you RKelly! (Ross), already suggesting the kick you little scamp. Whilst I'm editing, I didn't find the lead too resonating or overbearing at all, come to think of it it's what I expect of a chip lead.

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