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Hello. Sorry we got off to a bad start. I submitted

the other two pathetic mixes because I was so excited

that I had learned to make MP3s, and I was stupidly

unaware of how bad they were ...

Now I have learned to use more powerful software, and

I have made a Super Mario 64 mix that is worlds better

than my old work. Please listen, many people have

suggested that it is OC Material. Also, please ignore

the little nothings I previously submitted, and enjoy

this instead. :)

to download the file, please visit http://www.stationmp3.com/kooper909/

and download Super Mario 64 - Windy Waters.

Name I want it credited to: Kooper909

Website: http://nmidi.vze.com/

E-mail: kooper909@yahoo.com

Please list all the above info, thank you very much!

NOTE: I had some trouble submitting this. I have no

idea if you've received this before. First, I tried

sending this to submissions@overclocked.org, but this

was only a few days before OCR3. The message was

unable to be sent. I then sent it to

creator@overclocked.org, and I don't know if you read

that. Hopefully you'll get this.

Thanks for your time.



This mix has good quality to it, although the wind sound is way too loud!!! :lol:

I like the piano work (although the sound of it is a little 'gongy'), it blends nicely with the drums, which are programmed with a lot of rhythm - and rhythm is one of the strong points of this remix. All the different elements are in harmony with one another, and the piece feels very whole. Wind sound is too loud, I say again (that is my one and only criticism).


Well the hype isn't as bad on this one, so I'm not really sure what to expect. My butt is hurting though. I think I need to shift my posture. Ah that's better.

Ok, I... yes. I've heard this before I think.



oh well. Just listen.


Ah. that was satisfying. See, I was sort of listening, and in my head I sort of was like "ok, kick drum comes in NOW" and it DID! Ah that was nice. ok, this is kind of kooky, but I like it. er... ok up to that bad chord around 1:34-1:35. Boy I hope that doesn't ruin it for me. Ever mostly like a song but because of one little crappy part, you're unable to listen to it often, or you cringe everytime you hear that part?

Strange thing about this piece. It almost has an ambient feel at times, but the drums sound so raw and dry, it's strange, almost not happily mixed.

Well, ... ok I'm in an elevator now, at 3:00. I don't have anything against elevators, don't get me wrong, but I don't usually like to listen to elevator music outside of the elevator... and come to think of it, I don't usually like to listen to it IN the elevator either, but this is a step above elevator music. Granted, someone's making a killing off of elevator music.

You know what I would have liked to hear? Delay on that piano. Right before 3:50, where it does the melody. Some nice delay would have been nice. Just sounds too dry. Oh yeah. right here. Ugh. Ok, way too dry for my tastes. Wow. this one really sits on the line. It's GOOD in some parts and poopy in others. It'd be like eating an incredible pizza knowing that one out of every 3 bites would contain an insect. Ah well, I think I'll hold off voting on this one, and then at the last minute I'll flip a coin. Eh. Why wait. I've got a dime right here. Ok. heads is yes, tails is... no wait, I like tails. Ok, so tails is yes, and heads is no. Ok. No wait, I wanta quarter. Ah, found one. It's a Kentucky quarter. the one with the horse on the back. I think I already have this one. Ok. Flipping now. AWw.... I'm sorry Koop. It came up heads. But I think most everyone else is going to vote yes on this one so I don't think it really matters, but for the sake of going through with what I said I was going to go through with, I give it a NO.



Okay, I don't like the wind. It's too.. there. Like it's going out of it's way to get noticed. I think if someone's going to put wind into a song, it should be more quiet and subtle.

Not fond of the initial lead thing, music box sample or whatever. Not horrible, though a little piercing.

The drums here sound like some pre-made drum loop from a keyboard or electric organ. "Hit rhumba, and start groovin!"

The sample that starts at ~1:14 is uh.. strange. Doesn't seem to fit.

1:48. Good. The piano sounds good. The horn is nice also. The wind is still annoying. But otherwise I like this part a lot.

2:37. Also very good. The drums are very minimal at first, but then that snare comes in again :(. The bass line here was good. It really helped the song along. When the drums go out again at 3:48 I like it.

4:07. I like this part as well. Absence of drums in this mix is good it seems. And absence of that darned whoosh sample.

Well. I think that this song could definitely be OC quality, if the bits above are fixed up. Although this is my opinion, but I think it's fairly valid (or maybe I'm just an asshole who doesn't like you?).

Vote: No.



You know, one of these days I'll actually have to sit down and play Mario 64. Ah well.

The Good: The "softness" of the piece. I don't know if that makes sense. It's very...soothing. This is gonna go in my lullaby collection of OCR's. The stereo separation; that's almost always a plus. It's well excecuted, the samples are well chosen, and it's an overall solid piece.

The Bad: The main piano could've used some delay like Daniel mentioned, but it's no big deal. Just one of those, "oh, that've been cool" type things. I like the wind sfx, but it is a bit too loud. The sample that comes in around 1:12... :? It's...ooookaayyy...but it needs something. It's too strong and it's to flat. Maybe some echo there? Your sample around 3:12 seems a bit sharp, but it might just be me speakuhs.

The Ugly: So far the vote is tied 2/2... 8O

I disagree with Rob. I think this mix IS OC quality. It's got a couple of splotches, but not nearly enough to hold the mix back. Yeah, we're trying to raise the bar, but I'm not looking for seven-footers just to reach the damn thing...

  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that this mix is VERY close, but for some of the reasons that Dan listed, I'm breaking the tie and voting No and closing the thread. We took a long time to make this call and Kooper909 deserves his feedback one way or the other. Hopefully the delay in getting it won't turn him off to the whole process, as with a few fixes here and there this would definitely be posted, and I hyope to see future mixes submitted as well.

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