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OCR00707 - *YES* Secret of Mana 'Wandering the Wild Forest'

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The delayed piano is very cool at the beginning, with a nice bassline to compliment. I think I recognise the drum set, Yamaha's dance set if I'm not mistaken.

All in all, a well programmed and well arranged piece. Some instruments that play melodies might be a touch too loud, but that's it.


From Malcos's rave reviews, this better be good.

Ok, that delay? It's off. Delay is only good if it doesn't make you wonder "is that on beat?" I can't tell if the midi clock is off on this song or if it's in swing time. I'm sort of wondering why this came to the judges panel...

Ok, it's in swing time. It's not bad. Reminds me a little of the smooth jazz around here.

Ok, I like the jazz guitar. Fits really nicely. The flute/synth thing is almost nice except all the notes are wrong. I mean, he manages to make it fit, because he improvs in the right key, but the melody isn't right according to the game. Now maybe I'm too picky about sticking to the original... and now that the guitar is doing the melody too, it's off... maybe I need to listen to the original again. The timing does sound bad on this though. I'm really wishing swing time wasn't turned on for this.

Ok, after listening to the original, it's not off. I guess I just haven't heard it in a while. Ok, so my only gripe is the swing time that affects both the delay and the drums and sounds awful in MY opinion, but other than that the mix is great.

So I give it a yes, though it's like warm soda to me. Tastes good, but it being warm makes me feel not so refreshed.


I'm also giving it a yes because I haven't given a yes in a while. No, I'm kidding. I gave my reasons. I feel satisfied with my stance.


I've heard this before.

I think I got this one from VGMix.

Can't remember if I liked it or not, so I'll listen to it now.


1:20. That flute is a little loud/piercing at times. Although you get points for it sounding like the original flute from the game.

1:52. The guitar sound was icky. I personally didn't like it. I was happy when it stopped.

2:25. Then it comes back. :(

3:16. I like this part. That guitar is hella better than the previous bits. :D

Overall, I liked this mix. The guitar parts I didn't like were totally personal preference, so I can't allow that to hold this mix back.

Vote: Yes.


Damn. Seems like Daniel and I are gonna do a complete flip-flop on this one. Now I know it's not fair to use another mix as an example...so I won't. What I'm going to do is steal a line used by Daniel in review for another mix because it fits how I feel about this song.

Ever mostly like a song but because of one little crappy part, you're unable to listen to it often, or you cringe everytime you hear that part?

Well? Have you? My "one little crappy part" on this mix is the drum loop. It's offbeat! For me it ruins the whole song. I can't...I can't mentally follow along, you know? It's like I'm trying to read a paragraph silently but the teacher is reading aloud and he's one sentence ahead of me. So instead of following along, I'm separating the two sentences, decoding them from words into comprehension, listening to him, and trying to read my own sentence all at once.

I just like things to snap into place. If I'm building a Lego house and I need an 8 pronged square, but all I've is one of those damn 6 pronged ones, you better believe I'm tearing the house down and startin' it over. I'm not suggesting that Thumper redo the song from scratch. It would be nice to have the drum loop line up with the rest of the song though. It's the only thing preventing me from a yes vote. Regardless, it looks like I'm in the minority at this point, but I'm still gonna go on record as no. I just can't bring myself to approve it. I'd love to see a repaired version posted though.

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