djpretzel Posted July 8, 2002 Posted July 8, 2002 Hi, I sent you an email about 2 weeks back regarding another remix for Overclocked, this one is of the Amstrad CPC version of Golden Axe. You can download it at the following location in MP3 format, credits should be the same as the earlier Robocop remix: As usual please let me know if the remix is added to Overclocked so that I can remove it from the above server, this is a works server (used for search engine caches etc) and is eating space as we speak. Malc Jennings
Malcos Posted July 9, 2002 Posted July 9, 2002 NO. There are tooooo many issues with this mix. For starters, the intro does not gel with the beginning of the song at all. At 1.25, a most unconvincing piano (way too tinny) enters the piece. Can you hear a 'wowy' bass that isn't in tune with the rest of the mix? @3.21: And the ending of the mix is just left 'in the air' so to speak. Not to be disrespectful to the remixer, but I think some pitch excercises wouldn't go amiss. I must say, that the drums in this tune are excellent, and the drum loops work well with each other and fills, etc. are well arranged. Shame about the rest of the insruments.
Disco Dan Posted July 10, 2002 Posted July 10, 2002 Hmm... this is taking all day to download. I think I'll order a pizza for takeout. Then I'll walk to the pizza place, and pick it up. Then I will return to my place of dwelling and eat the pizza. DC
Disco Dan Posted July 10, 2002 Posted July 10, 2002 Ah, several hours later, the download has completed. What a host you've got there Mr. Jennings. This isn't BAD, I wouldn't say. It reminds me of my snake man mix a little bit. Well... just the bass and drums part... Ok, here you've gone and done something that I really just hate. People do it once in a while and it bothers the hell out of me. There's swing time and there's straight time. Swing time means the sixteenth notes are slightly less uniform, and ... I don't know how to describe it in text without wasting a whole lot of time and effort. Anyway, my point in bringing this up, is that we've got swing time OVER TOP OF straight time. They don't mix. but it's only for that segment. The rest seems pretty ok. Pretty much, straightforward techno. um ok what was that at 3:26 that's way out of tune. I despise. My ears bleed. Slowly all senses fade... oh whew, I lived Ok, the next part is pretty decent. I don't know this mix has some good and some bad parts. It looks like another one that's sitting on the line for me! Gotta find my quarter.... Ah. here it is. here we go. Flipping: oooooooooooh you got lucky Tails means yes. I stated this in another review, but that's the low down. You got tails. So I vote yes. It's mostly good though, seriously. The mix. Maybe it drags on and doesn't do a whole lot. Just layering and all... but ... hmm. .. . maybe I need to flip again... no no I don't need to flip again. My reasons: Out of tune part is painful Song is long, with little variety, save the out of tune part, which, while different, isn't really a nice break from the rest of it. And as for the rest of it, it's sort of the same thing over and over again, for almost 6 minutes. And what does the beginning have to do with the rest of the song? It's irrelevant. I've heard intros that are misleading before and they can be done in artistic fashion so this intro isn't bad in that sense. I just wish more was done with the rest of the song. Same bass line, same drums, same piano part, same single-note strings. I ... can't let this one pass. Coin or no coin, I must... I must... vote... no... NO DC
Saunders Posted July 11, 2002 Posted July 11, 2002 Sounds kinda creepy at first. But the sounds also sounded really bad quality. And now there's this constant sound that keeps hitting and panning across my ears. It's annoying me. If it weren't for that, this would be really good so far (aside from the intro, which I didn't really like at all). The drum loop that kicks in at 1:12 is good, although I believe I've heard it a lot before. 1:26. The piano that comes in doesn't sound very real, but that's not a problem. It actually sounds quite good. In fact, now that the strange panning sound is gone, the mix sounds really goo- Oh. It's come back (2:00). Although it sounds quieter now, so it's not as bad. When I can hear it without the piano though (2:55) is when I found I didn't like it at all. 3:21. Uhm. What? I don't really like the way this is going so far. Okay, drums are back (3:43) that's better. Although the constant background "bow-bow-bow"ing is annoying. Thankfully by 3:55 it all goes away and back to normal. Then ending is a little.. meh. It's a bit of a let down, but not horrible. Overall I must say that this mix is good. Really good. Only 3 gripes in this mix. 1. The intro has crappy samples. But I assume those are like in game samples. 2. There's a sample that I didn't really like, but it isn't overly horrible. 3. That intermission bit at 3:21. Really didn't like that. But some might. But to me, that's not enough to hold it back. Vote: Yes.
Antonio Pizza Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 No, no, no. Here we go: 0:00-0:17 I like the NES style intro. As Malcos pointed out, it doesn't really fit the rest of the song, but that's okay. It didn't hurt. 0:17-0:31 The setup. This done well. I see what we're working with here. Nice strong bassline, always a plus. That swooshing noise you've got there? You know, the one reminicent of Mega Man II's Airman? Kill the panning on it. It's too... oh, what's the word? For lack of a better description, I'll say it's panning too hard. 100% right >>> 100% left. Try a stereo delay instead. Uh-oh... a reverse cymbal crash. That can only mean one thing... 0:31-0:45 Ahhhh, yes. The techno beat. You know what? It ain't so bad here . Alright, let's see where this is going. Ooooo, another cymbal crash. And a whooshing sound; cool. 0:45-0:58 Oookaaaay...the ol' techno hihat. *ahem* Neeeexxt... 0:58-1:12 There we go! Some solidarity! Nice string synth used here. The piece is coming together finally. Now if the next part can help balance out the... 1:12-1:19 AHHHHHHH!! MY EARS!! 1:19-1:26 The ol' fade in drums coupled with the cymbals having a seizure. Mm-hmm. 1:26-1:32 Oh thank you, yes! They're gone! The piano solo is nice. A better sample would've been peachy-keen, but that's just me nit-picking. 1:32-1:53 I DO like THIS drum loop. It's very when put with your bassline. Enter the strings around 1:46, I like that as well. 1:53-2:00 Enter the ol' fade in drums. 2:00-2:27 There are no emoticons for the face I'm now making. The best I can describe it is a mix of , , , and with an open mouth. The techno loops from 1993 are back along with something that sounds almost like the "Go!" soundbyte from Sonic 3's Launch Base Zone. Oh wait, those aren't voices. In that case I don't know what it is, but I guess I can deal with it. 2:20-2:27 Enter the ol' fade in drums coupled with the cymbals having a seizure. 2:27-2:48 The bridge. Whoa, that thing around 2:39 (and again at 2:53 was interesting) 2:48-2:54 Enter the ol' fade in drums. Ugh...I'm already sick of reviewing this. Long story short: The ol' fade in drums are waaaaaayyy over used; the piece is too long; that drum loop (the one starting at 1:12) has GOT to go. Yes, I know it's a techno song, but damn. . That loop's so... "Crappy" is the best English word that comes to mind. And the thing that goes between 3:21-3:55? It sounds like a Tusken Raider giving birth. Lose it. Not only that, but you've got six seconds of dead air at the end. Find a wav editing program and either chop that off or in half. I say 3 or 4 seconds would be plenty. This song would be a great addition if it was cut down to about 3 minutes. Basically, everything before the Sandpeople birthing session, minus that damn loop. Good luck to you.
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