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OCR00719 - *YES* Final Fantasy 6 'Cid in the Factory'

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I made a remix of the Devil's Lab theme from FFVI. I know everyone and their sister has done it, but mine is UNIQUE, gosh darnit.

okie dokie, here is the link:

Yeah, I tried uploading it onto Tripod, then later found out that that wasn't worknig. So whee. Hope it's somewhat enjoyable!

Credits: Ian - Vocals, Gaffeizil - Everything else.


Wow. Now this is pretty cool as far as I'm concerned.

The only real gripe I have is the trumpet. Oh, and I'm not so hot about the harsher industrial stuff, but that's personal taste.

I think it's well done and industrial enthusiasts will enjoy this.

Vote: Yes


Well it's "unique" alright. And GOSH DARNIT, that's what OCR needs :!:

Maybe it's only my d/l, but I don't like the abrupt cutoff of the song. My complaint is the bass. :!::?:8O Did I just say that? It's TOOOOOOO strong. I had to turn off my EQ. Other than that, it's an okay piece. Yes. Very interesting. And by the way, my sister hasn't done a "Devil's Lab" remix, but that's because she's dead :(

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