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Hi Oc remix team !

3 years ago (damn :/) I remixed a Sinobi Coin Op ingame level.

I remixed 2 other ones. If you're interested they are here :

Best regards and keep OC alive !! it really rocks ;)

Best from Paris



http://www.smspower.org/music/vgm/unapproved/Shinobi_update.zip - Stage

Decent intro but flat on the delivery. The lead synth programming was also pretty bread-and-butter, and could stand to be more creative. The beats at :37 seemed pretty placeholder-ish, but sat better in the track once things picked up at :57.

Cool changeup on the lead from 1:25-1:44; sounds like something djpretzel has done. Awkward cutoff on that sound though, when you changed back to your regular lead at 1:44.

Decent synth soloing on top of the basic progression of the original from 1:45-2:29, but the background was plodding and repetitive so the solo was only so effective. Going for a subdued sound doesn't mean it has to be sterile.

The subtractive, fadeout ending tapered off pretty effectively all things considered; not the way I would have gone, but that's personal taste.

Overall though, the textures were too simplistic and didn't fill out the space well enough. Arrangement-wise, this was better than the Ken Oh remix, which was vastly undeveloped; this track has the same issues as that one, but less so. It still would need work.


  • 2 months later...

Very similar to the other Shinobi mix you subbed that I just voted on moments ago. Or bearing similarities, rather.

Here's the skinny on this one. It also bears a cool synth intro (reminded me of something from Deus Ex). Drums come in really dry, and don't really add any energy to the track. I'm not saying they need to be all spastic and D&B-ish--I'm cool with a mellow loop. But as Larry pointed out, they sound a little placeholderish.

Wasn't a big fan of the monoglide lead synth from :57 - 1:25. Again, it just seemed a little too dry to blend with the rest of the track. I would have enjoyed some more sweeping/phasing FX on the lead as well. Maybe some cross-panning once in a while. Again, track is over before I really feel it achieved it's full potential.

Too bad again, because I really like you're ideas. I just think the delivery leaves the listener wanting more--in the non-preferred way. Not "Wow, that was so incredible, I wish I could have had more!" type way, but rather the "Hmm, well, it started out cool. I wish there would have been more to it."

Oh well. keep at it, bro. I think you've got tons of potential, and I really dig your style. It's just a little under-polished at this point. Work on this one some more, and resubmit, aight?


  • 2 weeks later...

the production lacks polish, and the arrangement doesn't bring enough ideas to the table.

one of the things i'd work on is how you process the drums. they're too dry, when juxtaposed against the other elements in the sound field.

beyond that, there's just not enough going on dynamically, rhythmically, or harmonically. the drums and bass camp out on the same riff for the entire song, and there's not a good shape to the arrangement. it slowly builds to a plateau and then just hangs there till the fadeout ending.


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