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*NO* Final Fantasy 4 'Feel the World Beneath You (bP Mix)'

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My Remixer name is bP - my account name is bPbP

Real Name: Brian Powell

email: powel033@csusm.edu

website: www.brianpowellmusic.com

userid: 20826

Song Title: Final Fantasy II - Feel The World Beneath You (bP Remix)

Song I am remixing: I chose to remix the Final Fantasy II world theme into a piece that borrows from the "drum and bass" category with a sort of ethereal feeling attached to it. It has a modern day feel to it, reminiscent of much of the electronica that is currently in play in the market, but keeps true to the Final Fantasy nature by using the well known harp sound throughout much of the mix.

The submission standards indicate the file size must be less than 6mb - but the song is roughly 6 minutes long... and to make it less than 6mb I would have to encode it at a bit rate lower than 128... I really don't want to do that, so I encoded the file at the highest variable bit rate setting. The file size is about 8mb, but I will post a second file for you to listen to that is under 6mb, located at the following URL: (Sorry, it's an audiophile thing)

Whether you choose to accept my submission or not as new remixer to your site, I would still appreciate any feedback or comments you have on the track. I do a lot of remixing, and I frequent your site and REALLY enjoy the time you've put into making such a wonderful community for people who love good video game music so I thought I'd give back. If you like this, let me know - I have several more, in several styles that I'd like to add to the community.

Final Notes: I used FL Studio solely in the mixing of this song. Popular effects used were BloodOverdrive and Izotope's *amazing* Ozone mastering plugin.



There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance - Hazrat Ali ibn Abi-Talib

There is nothing I like more than knowledge, and in that, no knowledge more than that of God.


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "The Prelude" (ff4-01.spc) & "Main Theme" (ff4-07.spc)

Decent opening. Noticeably abrasive for me on the production side, but an interesting original countermelody that clearly would work with "Main Theme" was brought in at :22, so we'll see where it goes. Cool writing ideas for that glassy, warbly thang at :45. Nice arrangement ideas for "The Prelude" at 1:07. Good build so far. Not the fanciest thing in the world, but interesting so far.

"Main Theme" finally kicked in at 1:30, integrating well with the Prelude arrangement, though the synth leaves something to be desired as the warbling effect on it tends to wears out its welcome, mostly on account of the sheer volume.

After the subtraction of the beats at 2:26, I was expecting this to start going in some other creative direction, but instead the arrangement dragged with another iteration of the melody at 2:49.

Changing into the source chorus would have been a good place to vary up the textures so that the overall sound doesn't wear thin, but 3:17 didn't follow through with that. The textures definitely just get tiring after hovering at basically the same energy level and style.

What was up with the tacky, overly-done cymbals from 3:42-onward? Wow, lay off the cheese, bro. They don't go well here, and only hurt the last 2 minutes of the track. And indeed, the arrangement ideas are just repeated even more with nothing new brought into the picture other than the cymbals.

Well, this had a promising start, but the arrangement ended up repetitive and dynamically undeveloped. Don't get complacent/lazy at the end thinking that you have a hot groove. Vary the instruments and effects more. You also need to develop the arrangement ideas further and not drag them into the ground like you're doing now.


  • 1 month later...

Hard panned percussion on the left, hard panned bassline on the right, both of them heavily distorted and far too loud. I was hoping things would center themselves eventually and we'd hear some sizzling hot beats; alas, I was mistaken. This song grates on my ears. The gated, warbly lead wears out its welcome after the first iteration of the melody, perhaps even sooner. It's far too loud and resonant.

The arrangement is nothing to write home about either; the melody is repeated three or four times and then finally goes to the B section. It ends the same way it starts, with lots of dead space between percussion hits.

I had trouble listening to this all the way through. It's very abrasive, as Larry said, and I don't think there's a lot of real arrangement going on aside from that short bit with the arpeggios adapted to the main theme chord progression.

You need to do a lot more interpretation, as well as provide some contrast to the harsh sounds. Don't use BloodOverdrive so much.



I feel you on the bitrate thing. Sorry that's got to be a hard rule. However....bitrate isnt really as big an issue on tracks with so much distortion...that bass is really overpowering.

I would seriously consider bringing it back and making the soft bells more prominent. that bass is going to get really tiresome. then at 1:35 there's another harsh instrument panned hard right. It's fighting for space with the bass. There's almost nothing going on in the left channel at the moment, it's really wierd. You should balance out your stereo field. There's nothing wrong with hardpanning instruments, but there should be an overall balance, and you should make sure that therearent too many instruments competing for space.

aside from that, the arrangement is on the repetitive side. Consider shortening the track.


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