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*NO* Star Fox 'In a Dark Room with 1000 Metal Polygons' *FT*

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About early July i submitted a Star Fox remix (In A Dark Room With A Thousand

Metal Polygons), and it doesn't appear on the "Currently in the judging process"

list posted in the judging forum at OC.

I was wondering if it was rejected without my knowledge, or just didn't make the

list through oversight.

Any reply would be satisfactory!

There was a little bit of a problem when i submitted it, as the ever-strong

server that i put the file up on went down immediately after i posted the file.

I re-submitted it, and even got a new canned reply mail (the same i got the

first time)

If it got messed up somehow, or the second mail trashed and the file thought to

be a goner, said file should still be where i left it so you may download it


When downloaded, just rename and chop off the ".foralli" extension. It's simply

to fool the server into not displaying a "download this file" page. (If i wanted

to download the file from a page, i'd have built a download page myself,


Thanks, and i look forward to a reply either way!


Ps: it was submitted under the name "Wolf" as a remixer id, even though i go by

"TimberWolf" on the message board. Either is fine, "Wolf" was just already

registered on the board.

Edit - The title of this remix is actually "In a dark room with a thousand metal polygons", and the artist has informed me that he doesn't want it abbreviated. The topic will remain the same since saying "a thousand" doesn't fit. =/



The intro is too long, especially since I'm not too keen on that sample.

Still listening...

Ok, this is another one of those mixes where what's going on with the drums and bass really fights with the leads and the backup. The constant distorted bass really drowns out the other softer instruments. I'm not sure it's even playing the right notes! And the whole thing just sounds too empty.



Well, I like the intro so there :P

Now, lets see whatelse this can do to make me go "hey, neat"


I kinda like that bass line. It's very dirty, and the slight feel of

dissonance is interesting. Sort of like an atonal bit, not really having a

center key.

I like this one. I've listened to it a few times now, sometimes just running

in the background. I think it's a nice arrangement of background music.



The long intro isn't something that I exactly desire listening to. That piano sample is so overused (Listen to anything by Dj_StarChild). I can't hold that against him, though.

Other than that, this is a nicely put together mix - Nice usage of panning and delay effects. Thumbs up for writing this all without having the ability to save (Ugh... FruityLoops...). Cool stuff here - Definitely something different. Nice to have some variety. I can't exactly place this under a specific genre of music. YES


Reverse samples are neat. Too much are not. So far it's been too much, the intro is too long I think.

Okay, the piano is yucky. Tom's right, it is used a lot (although not in this mix necessarily).

The uh.. that buzzy sound in the foreground, that's annoying.

The instrument that's playing the melody needs to be more prominent.

The star-twinkly-effect sample is good, but that's about all I can think of to salvage this mix.

Personal preference says No. Judge preference.. sorry, but No. Just not OCR quality.

Vote: No


Hmmm, this is hard. I like the intro, but the piano that comes in later on is not very impressive. I like the vibe, but some notes don't seem to work together well.

NO. I'm sorry to say no to this, but that piano really needs to be of higher quality on this occasion, because it is the weakest link, when it should be one of the strongest.




I think there's some sick desire inside of me to say NO to as many different songs but I won't do it without good reason. And this reason is really good. Either there are a lot of wrong notes, or every part is out of tune from each other. The whole thing seems like each part is in a slightly different key, but not on a western scale, more like on an arabic or indian scale. Anyway, I can't abide by that. Tune it. Get a better ear for music. do something.


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