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This is a remix I did for Almasy Marquis contest over on OUS. I just emailed my submission, so I feel okay with making it super public now.


tell me what you think! I can't do much in terms of editing it because I don't have enough ram to play it in sonar anymore, but I'd like to hear your thoughts before I submit it to OCR

edit: i'm having trouble with my own god damn link so if it isn't working use this one:



I don't remember the original, since all of the kingdom hearts music blended together for me, but this is really nice.

I still think the intro and actual song have some visible seams, but you have blended them together a lot better since I last heard this.

Drum programming is interesting, those snare rolls in the BG in addition to the kit are a nice touch and make the section they are in. The violin is nice too. SOme of the keyboard leads are a little on the thin side, imo, but nothing dealbreaking.

My suggestion at this point is maybe bring a few of the live bass drum hits into the song for a climax point or something; you don't really hear the instrument except for the intro and outro, making it kindof like a sandwich with bass drum instead of bread lolz.


My suggestion at this point is maybe bring a few of the live bass drum hits into the song for a climax point or something; you don't really hear the instrument except for the intro and outro, making it kindof like a sandwich with bass drum instead of bread lolz.

OA you break my heart i did that :[


seriously dude that was like my biggest problem throughout this whole thing because I couldn't find a balance between it sounding too much like the original and not enough

the lead is supposed to be BASED on the piano line before the strings...I tried to put the bass line in there too. The intro was not included in this mix. Another problem is that most of it's in 4/4 when the original was in 6/8 :[ I relied mostly on the chord progression in this one.


I think part of the issue is that all the Kingdom hearts songs sound samey. Maybe it's just the actual samples used in the original soundtrack? They seem to be pretty subdued samples, and when you are dealing with subtle melodies, it makes it difficult to remember.

My suggestion for your mix is maybe bring a few of the live bass drum hits into the song for a climax point or something.


The mix of the delicate violins and bells with the chip-tune-esque electronic samples just doesn't work for me.... =/

I like where the mix is going, but I think you need instruments which are a bit more cohesive.

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