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*NO* Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 'Next in Line'


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* Your ReMixer name - Electric Concerto (Fishy on electric guitar)

* Your real name

* Your email address - electricconcerto@gmail.com

* Your website - http://www.e-concerto.net/

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile - 14517

* Name of game(s) ReMixed - Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2

* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed - Gatebreaker

* Additional information about game, if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc. - Atari, Nintendo Wii

* Link to the original source - http://www.e-concerto.net/music098273/Gatebreaker.mp3

* Link to remix -

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

Playing the game as a Gamefly rental, I found myself stopping at the character screen to listen to the theme. When I play games, my ears are always open to what can be remixed. Gatebreaker stood out in the game for me, and I decided to remix it. Unfortunately I didn't have a soundtrack or anything but my TV to play the song off of, so it took me a bit longer than usual to get the notes by ear.

The mix started pretty simple, with a lot of help from friends I was able to flesh it out. Fishy volunteered to help me out with some electric guitar. Mastering took the longest, and I'm happy with where it stands now.


Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Game Rip) - "Gatebreaker"

Nice source tune choice, thanks for providing the original. Good to see something so melodic in a recent game. Sequencing of the opening sounds was a bit awkward, but the tone was good. At :13 when the percussion took over, the melody was way too soft compared to the beatwork. The beats themselves were pretty bland with boring patterns and didn't fill out the soundfield well. Where's the beef, bro? I'm a Fishy fan at this point, so I liked his guitar at :41, but wished there was more of an edge to it. Sound balance needs to be handled more judiciously.

The transition at 2:22 worked surprisingly well, IMO. It can come across as abrupt, but I was feeling it.

The arrangement is in the right direction, but this track needs something to latch onto as a listener and I'll be frank in that not even one element grabs you. It's all pretty...decent, but doesn't go beyond that in terms of making the textures click or (given the genre) the arrangement energetic and engaging. The material from 2:22-3:41 was the more successful on this level though than the intro.

I'm looking to my fellow Js for some tips on giving the background elements more momentum, because that's one critical component that I think is missing. Talk to some more electronic artists and personally solicit feedback from them as well, as this has other issues. Work more on enhancing those beat patterns, filling out the soundfield and readdressing the sound balance. I think this is your most promising arrangement from a creative standpoint, but the execution is bland and not at its full potential.

NO (resubmit)

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God I love this game. So much fun on the doing kamehamehas with the wiimote.

As for filling out the beats, here's something that will help: try conga drums. Syncopated hand percussion can give your boom-tsss beats that extra edge of grooviness. Some lightly processed choir pads might also color the soundscape a bit.

That transition at 2:22 works really well. Nice.

Larry's on the mark here; this mix is almost there and overall it's a nice piece of work, but it needs more.

NO for now but resub this asap.

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I think the track starts out with some great energy thanks to the rhythm synth, and the writing is pretty good, but it loses steam because it doesnt really change that much. The instrumentation and energy stay at the same level for the first half of the track. Then there's the drop. At this point, I think the lead ought to be a different instrument. Then when the electric guitar comes in, it finally gets that punch back. I really think it's a great track that needs a little more going on dynamically to keep the listener's interest during relatively repetitive passages. And fadeout endings are weak. Write an ending.


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