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Just thought id fill you guys in on what ive been up to lately :)

During 2,5 months before this summer me and two classmates put together a game called Gravitron Ultra. We developed it using Microsofts XNA game studio. The goal was to win the competition Swedish Game Awards, wich had a category named "best XNA game". To make a long story short, we developed the game and we won the competition, we where also nominated in the "best PC game" category. After that, the game got nominated in the swedish version of ".Net awards" by Microsoft wich is really nice, and now, we are also amongst the top 20 in the worldwide Dream Build Play, where the winner gets a contract to develop for xbox live arcade, amongst other prizes. The results from the DBP will be in in about 1 week so its really exciting!

My role in the process of making the game was Project Manager, Coder, Musician.. The initial idea for the game came from my black book where i write down all my game design ideas. I wrote about 50% of all the code, we had a really talented artist for the graphics, Niklas Frisk, and a really talented coder, Christoffer Ekeroth, to make some of the more complicated physics, mechanics and camera stuff.

If you wanna know more on the actual game, check in on www.gravitronultra.com or http://www.sga.to/competition/entry/81

If you wanna view the trailer, best do it here (reccomended!!):


Some other links:

www.sga.to (Swedish Game Awards)


Just though id fill you guys in on why i havend made so many remixes lately, im pursuing that game-career full out here in sweden :) Wish me luck in these competitions ! :)


Represent, yo.

You should probably post this in the Xbox 360 thread as well if you're so inclined... Or at least a thread link... or something.

Anyway, sounds great and I'll be checking it out some time today. Whether I love it or hate it, it probably took quite a bit of drive and effort to put it out, so good job there.

Tip of the hat to you.

Edit: Never mind what I said earlier. This game looks pretty fun.


Well, i think the game concept is explained in detail on www.gravitronultra.com but the basic aspect is that you avoid being sucked into the black hole by gathering gravity orbs. These also acts as shields, because, if an enemy hits your base with a special projectile called Super-Ping, the base loose all the orbs, but if only one of the orbs gets hit, only that orb gets disconnected from your base. As the black hole gets more active, the more orbs you have attached to your base, the more slowly you get sucked into the hole, so the team that lives longest wins. Also, there are currently three types of orbs with different propertys. You control the game with a xbox360 controller, aim and move with both thumbsticks, left to move, right to aim, and shoot with the right trigger.. Theres actually a lot of different tactics you can use, its really interesting to watch two experienced players have a dogfight, using orbs as shields n stuff...

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